This article provides a list of all the report types available in Filevine, their use, and the details they can include. To learn more about how to build a report, read Build a Report.
- Default Report Types
- Additional Report Types
- Collection Sections Reports
- Primary Keys for Extraction
Default Report Types
The basic or default reports are those that you see listed under “Create New Report” in the report builder. If your Org has billing enabled, or AI, you may see additional report types here—skip to the additional reports section.
You can also create reports for any custom collection section in a project type. To view the list of [collection section name] reports, under Show More Report Types, select your Org and project type. Read more about collection section reports.
- List of Projects: Run a report organized by your projects. The list of projects report gives you an overview of your projects. This report can be used to track projects in a certain phase, project type, or projects where you are the primary. Note: Under Show More Columns, select the Org and project type to include information from the projects’ static custom sections, as well as some built-in section information.
- Audit Report: An audit report is a report type that tracks the activity and productivity of users. Tracked actions include things like creating a note, assigning a task, completing a task, postponing the due date of a task, editing a field, and changing the permissions of a team member.
- List of Contacts: The list of contacts report tracks contact’s non-client associations across Orgs—anywhere they are associated with a project and where they are NOT the project client. The report includes their contact information, the projects they are connected with, and their project roles. The report lists for each non-client association, so if a contact is associated with two projects, for example, they appear in this report twice. Under Show More Columns, select the Org to include custom contact details.
- List of Clients: There is one main project contact for each project—often used as the project’s name. The list of clients report lists all of the main project contacts. This list can include their details and can be filtered by project phase, contact type, and other details. Under Show More Columns, select the Org to include custom contact details.
- List of Notes: The list of notes report tracks all activity feed items of all types, including the activity item text, the activity date, a link to the project, and a link directly to the activity feed item.
- List of Tasks: The list of tasks report tracks all task items in the activity feed. This report includes more task-specific information than the list of notes report, like the assignee, the completed date, and the due date. The list of tasks report also includes a link directly to the task item in the activity feed.
- List of Docs: The list of docs report lists all files uploaded to projects. The report includes the project and the file name with an option to download the document. It can also include a range of details about the files, like indexing status, file size, where the document exists in the project, and the uploader and upload time.
- Project Phase Counts: The project phase counts list is meant to give you an overview of the status of your projects. This report includes a list of project phases and the number of projects currently in that phase.
- Project Hashtag Counts: The project hashtag counts report can be used to give you an overview of your project tags. This report includes a list of all project tags and the number of projects that have been assigned that tag.
- Project Type Counts: The project type counts report lists all your project types (also known as project templates) and the number of projects of each type. This report can give you an idea of how well used your different project types are.
- Deadlines: The deadlines report lists all incomplete deadlines from all three places where deadlines can be stored in a project: in deadline chains, in Deadline (with Reminders) custom fields, and in the Deadlines section. The report can include the deadline type and the deadline’s due date.
- Calendar Events: By utilizing this type of report, you will be able to create a list of calendar events, both past and future. This is a great way to see and prepare for upcoming deadlines and appointments.
- Marketing List: The marketing list report is used to generate a list of unique contacts and their contact information. Unlike the list of contacts report, each contact on this report appears only once. You can choose “contact type” as a criterion on this report to generate a complete list of all Doctor content types, for example.
- User List: A User List report will give you information about the user(s) in your Org, like their usernames and emails. For example, you could run a report to see how many unread notes a user has, or the number of projects where each of your users is a primary. You can also use this report to get a count of all of your users and their profile information.
- Fax List: A Fax List report will allow you to run a report on your faxes that gathers information about the senders, statuses, and other details of the faxes you’ve sent and received.
- SMS Pending Response List: The SMS pending response report generates a list of SMS messages from your clients that have not received a response. The report can be run across all projects and can include SMS messages from up to the last 30 days. The report includes the project name, the SMS sender and receiver number, a link to the activity item, and the last SMS body.
Additional Reports Types
The following report types appear in the Create New Report list if your Org has the respective piece enabled. For example, billing reports will appear in the list if your Org has billing enabled.
- AI Job List: The AI job list report tracks the details of all AI jobs. Admins may want to see how many pages of files AIFields have reviewed, understand how many AIFields they have generated over a set period of time, or discern how many times a certain analysis type was used. Learn more about what details this report can include.
- Data Connector History: Use the data connector report to track reports made using the data connector, including the timing of the report completion, transfer, and process, and the details of the destination.
Billing reports: there are five types of billing reports, as well as a “project billing” category that can be added in seven report types, including the list of projects report. Read more about billing reports.
- Billing Items
- Invoices
- Payments
- Payment Application
- Project Funds Entries
Collection Sections Reports
Report types that are specific to a project type/template do not appear in the initial Create New Reports list. To view these options, scroll to Show More Report Types under the list and select your Org and project type. If applicable, collection section report will be added to the Create New Reports list.
A collection section report lists all the items in a single collection. The report can include all fields in the collection section as columns.
Primary Keys for Extraction
When you are extracting information from a report, it is useful to know the field that all the information is tied to. For example, in a list of projects report, the “projectID” field if the key field, which identifies all the other information. Below is a list that identifies key fields for some of the report types:
Report Type | Primary Key |
list of projects | projectID |
list of contacts | personID |
list of clients | personID |
list of notes | noteID |
list of tasks | noteID |
list of docs | docID |
deadlines | deadlineID |
marketing list | personID |
user list | username |
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