Tags are labels that can be assigned to many items across Filevine to help with categorization and search and report data. An item can have as many tags as you like, and it can then be searched by any of those tags. Tags can be added, edited, and managed in the Tag Manager Advanced tool.
Tags are preceded by the “pound” mark like so: #urgent. If a project is tagged as “#urgent,” you can use the tag filter in Project Hub to filter for projects tagged #urgent.
Tag Basics
Each type of tag is searchable and reportable across the Org. To add an existing tag, enter the name of the tag and press Enter, or select the tag from the dropdown.
If the tag has not yet been used, click Create Tag ‘tag name’ from the dropdown to create that tag for the Org. To edit the tag color or description, click Manage Tags to navigate to the Tag Manager.
Note: All users can add and remove tags, but only users with access to the Tag Manager tool will be able to create new tags from this tag picker.
To remove a tag from the project, click the “x” next to the tag you’d like to remove.
Tag Types
Filevine has four types of tags:
- project
- document
- activity
- contact
Project Tags
Some Orgs use tags to indicate when a project is a “lead” or in some other status for which phases are not appropriate, or to designate “parent” cases or “main” projects versus “subordinate” ones.
Project tags can be viewed and added in the Vitals flyout. Click Vitals in the top right corner of the project, and then click Tags to add or remove the tags for the project. In the tags box, enter a tag you’d like to add, or remove existing tags for the project.
Click Done Editing to close the tag picker.
Auto-tags—tags set to be automatically added to a project—appear in the tag picker with a Filevine logo, and are not removable.
You can use tags to search projects in the Project Hub. To report on project tags, run a List of Projects report with a tag as the limiting criteria.
Document Tags
Users use document tags like “invoice” or “motion” so they can search for files across different file types. You could also treat tags like a folder structure, tagging all medical documents with “meds” and all insurance documents with “insurance.”
Docs tags can be added by choosing Tags from a document’s dropdown menu anywhere in Filevine. Choosing this option opens the Add Hashtags modal, where you can add and remove the document’s tags.
Docs tags can also be changed in the Docs section, in the information tab of the doc’s properties menu.
Documents can be filtered by tags in the project’s Docs section. To filter, enter the desired tag with the “#” symbol before it in the textbox at the top of the section. You can also click on a tag in the docs list to filter all docs by that tag.
To report on document tags, run a List of Docs report with a tag as the limiting criteria. Tagging your documents allows you to create more powerful reports and searches. For example, you might search for all medical documents, then narrow it down to just invoices, then just invoices from a single provider.
Activity Tags
Tags in activity items can help you categorize and analyze your communications. For example, you may want to prioritize a task with an #important tag, or track excellent work done by your team with a #wow tag. The 10 most commonly used tags in the project appear at the top of the Activity feed. You can click these tags to filter activity items.
Activity tags can be added to notes or tasks in the activity feed by adding any words preceded by the # symbol in a note, task, or comment. They can also be added or edited by clicking Edit Tags in an open activity item.
Note: Activity tags can only be added and edited here by the author of the activity item. Other users can add activity tags in the item’s comments.
To add a tag, enter the desired tag and select it from the filtered dropdown. To remove a tag, click the “x” symbol next to it.
Note: If you’d like to remove a tag that has been added using the “#” symbol, you must first remove the tag from the item text. You can then remove the tag from the Edit Tags list.
Search activity tags by selecting “Tags” from the Filter dropdown in the activity feed and entering the tag or tags you’d like to filter by. If an item has a comment with that tag, then that item will also be included in the filter.
Activity tags can be reported using a List of Notes report with “Note: Tags” as the limiting criteria.
Contact Tags
Users use contact tags to categorize and search contacts across contact types, and can be used for any characteristic that is not included in the contact card.
Contact tags can be added by navigating to a contact and opening it for editing. In the open contact card, tags can be edited in the Hashtags box directly below the contact name.
Report on contact types using a List of Contacts report with “Tags” as a limiting criteria.
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