Most deadlines should be added in Deadline (with Reminders) fields or in the Chains section. The Deadlines section (sometimes called the Reminders section) will house additional deadlines as needed. Deadlines in a Deadline section will appear on the project calendar, and users who have set up the appropriate notifications will receive email reminders.
Deadlines are different from deadline chains. If you are looking for deadline chains, read Set Up Deadline Chains.
Creating a Deadline
To create a deadline, navigate to the Deadline section and “+ Add a Deadline.” Give the deadline a name, due date, and, if necessary, notes. “Create.”
Completing or Removing
To complete a deadline, click on the deadline to open it, then fill in the complete date and “Save.” The circle in the top left corner of the deadline will turn into a circle with a checkmark.
To remove a deadline, click on the deadline to open it and then click the red “Remove this Deadline” text in the bottom left.
Deadline Reminders
When a deadline is created, it will be added to the project calendar, which can be viewed by project Admins, collaborators, and guests with permission.
Subscribers will receive email notifications for deadlines, depending on how they have set up their notifications. Deadlines made in the Deadline section will adhere to the default Reminder Schedule for the project.
Once a deadline is completed, email notifications will stop and the deadline on the calendar will read “Done.”
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