This article describes how to build and run a report in the Report Builder.
Attorneys need to quickly evaluate their caseload and analyze their firm’s progress. The Report Builder can give you a clear bird’s-eye view of your firm’s activity. A user can report on data for any project in which they are an Admin or a collaborator.
Reports have a wide variety of uses, including:
- a list of incomplete tasks due in the next 7 days.
- a list of projects per attorney.
- a list of projects with an SOL coming in 90 days.
To learn more about specific types of reports, view the reports section. You can also watch the training video on reporting.
Building a Report
The Report Builder contains four steps: the first three steps shape the report you need, and the fourth step allows you to view and configure the results.
To begin, navigate to the Report Builder. Click on the main menu in the top left corner. In the dropdown menu, hover over Report Builder.
In the Report Builder, your saved reports are listed on the left-hand side. Here, the report creator’s name is included after the name of the saved report. On the right-hand side of the Report Builder, the report types are listed.
Org Admins users have the ability to export and import saved reports from one Org to another, using the export and import options in the Report Builder. Learn more.
Select the Report
Under Create New Report, you will find a list of options for a report. These report types dictate what the rows of your report will be: a list of projects = project data per row, a list of tasks = tasks per row, etc.
To report on custom Collection Sections, choose the Org and select the project type under Show more Report Types. When the project type is chosen, any collection section reports for that project type will become available in the list of report types above as List of [Section Name] Items.
Select your desired report type from the list.
Set Up Columns
Choosing a report template will take you to the next page in the Report Builder, Set Up Columns. This is where you’ll choose which columns to include in your report.
To include columns, move items to the Report Columns box on the right. To move items in and out of this box, click several items and then choose the left or right arrow, or double click on any single item. (To select a range of items, select one item and then hold Shift and click a second item. All items between those two will be selected.) To find more items, search for the field name in quick select or search by category in the Category Selector.
Some column options are not included by default. Columns for obsolete fields and columns for “related data” are, by default, not displayed in this list. “Related data” is information that is referenced by a field in the report, but not directly included in a field. For example, a data column for a person ID field would be displayed, but not columns for the fields in the contact card that the person field is referring to. To view these fields, toggle the option on. The options' status persists, so if you toggle an option on, it remains on until you turn it off.
By default, only columns that are common across all project types will be available, like Client Name and Org Address. To enable project-type-specific columns, specify Org and Project type at the bottom left, below the toggle options.
When you’ve finished setting up columns, click on either Choose Criteria or Run Report along the top of the screen.
Choose Criteria
By default, reports will include data from all active projects in the report type that your user has access to. A report for a list of Collection Items, for instance, will pull in all collection items across all projects. On the Choose Criteria page, you can choose any additional limits for the data in your report. For example, you may want to limit the report to one project, or limit the data to the last thirty days.
To choose criteria, search in the Filter criteria search box in the top left, or click on the plus button to the right of a category to view the criteria in that category. Select the criteria you would like to add and click on the + Add Criteria button under the criteria categories. You are able to add as many criteria as you would like at once.
When criteria have been selected, they will appear on the righthand part of the page, organized by their criteria category. Here you will choose which filters you would like. For example, if you choose Project Type is, on this screen you will choose from a dropdown which project type you would like to filter for.
Criteria categories are organized in the menu by project section and then alphabetically. Many criteria that include project-level data points like tags and phases are organized under the Project section. Any team permissions criteria are housed in the Team section. There are also special criteria that are not under any section, including Include Archived Projects, which is the only way to include data from archived projects.
Once you’ve added all your criteria, select Run Report at the top.
Run Report
The Results page shows the report you created. You can organize the report you’ve generated in different ways using the drop-down menu on the right and changing the order and default sorting of the columns. You can also rename the report using the pencil icon next to the title.
Note: Reports only include data from project sections that are “visible” at the time that the report is run. If you do not see your data, ensure that its project section is visible. Learn more about visible and hidden project sections.
Reports displayed in Filevine have unlimited rows. However, report exports to Excel will have a limit of 30,000 rows.
If you need to go back to change anything in the report, just click on the Set Up Columns or Select Criteria items in the bar at the top. Your information will be saved as you move between these pages.
Saving and Exporting
To save the report, select Save/Export at the top of your screen. Click Export for Excel to download the report using the default template.
Use the Save As button to save a copy to your Saved Reports and to bring up additional options for exporting to Word and exporting to Excel, auto reports, and sharing capabilities. These options are also available for previously-saved reports on the Saved Reports page.
To download the report using a customized template, click Export Options. Download, edit, and upload the desired custom template for either an Excel file or a Word file. Learn more about a Word template or an Excel template.
To schedule a regular report to be automatically sent to you, click Auto-report Settings or CSV Reports. Learn more about creating auto reports or setting up CSV exports.
You can also rename, archive, and share the report here.
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