Filevine Billing can be reported on just like any other part of Filevine. Billing features open up new reporting columns and criteria in the Project Billing category, as well as five billing report types.
Project Billing Category
Project Billing is a reporting category available for the following seven report types:
- List of Projects
- List of Docs
- Deadlines
- Calendar Events
- Invoices
- Payments
- Billing Items
This category includes columns and criteria that can help you determine what the status of a case is, and can give you a fuller breadth of information when reporting on projects or collection items.
The columns available in the Project Billing category are as follows:
Column | Definition |
Current Invoice Balance | Given invoices that have been finalized and marked as sent, the amount that hasn't been paid for those invoices that are not yet overdue. Only displays the amount due, not including the amount already paid by payments. |
30 Day Invoice Balance | Given invoices that have been finalized and marked as sent for which the due date passed 1-30 days ago, the amount that hasn’t been paid for all of those invoices. Only displays the amount due, not including the amount already paid by payments. |
60 Day Invoice Balance | Given invoices that have been finalized and marked as sent for which the due date passed 31-60 days ago, the amount that hasn’t been paid for all of those invoices. Only displays the amount due, not including the amount already paid by payments. |
90 Day Invoice Balance | Given invoices that have been finalized and marked as sent for which the due date passed 61-90 days ago, the amount that hasn’t been paid for all of those invoices. Only displays the amount due, not including the amount already paid by payments. |
Over 90 Days Invoice Balance | Given invoices that have been finalized and marked as sent for which the due date passed more than 90 days ago, the amount that hasn’t been paid for all of those invoices. Includes all invoices that are > 90 days overdue. Only displays the amount due, not including the amount already paid by payments. |
Days Past Due | The number of days that have elapsed since the due date of the oldest invoice for the project that is not paid in full. To be included in the calculation, the invoice must be finalized and marked as sent. |
Total Invoiced | Sum of the charged amount for all billing items that are on invoices that have been finalized |
Total Past Due Balance | Given invoices that have been finalized and marked as sent for which the due date has passed, the amount that hasn't been paid for all of those invoices. Only displays the amount due, not including the amount already paid by payments. This column is the sum of the 30-day, 60-day, 90-day, and over-90-day balances |
Current Balance |
(Total Invoices) - (Total Payments) = Current Balance Matches the "Current Balance" shown in the project billing section. |
In-progress Invoice Balance | Sum of the charged amount for all billing items that are on invoices that have not been finalized |
Overall Outstanding Balance |
(Current Balance) + (In-progress Invoice Balance) + (total of time entries, expenses, and fees that are not yet on an invoice) Note: This value is only available if the user has rate-viewing permissions. |
Client matter ID | The client matter ID, as specified in the project billing section, Settings tab |
Rate schedule | The name of the rate schedule that the project is using |
Any Org with Billing enabled will also have additional criteria available. These criteria are listed under Project Billing in the criteria dropdown:
Billing-Specific Reports
The five billing report types can be viewed in the Select Report tab of the Report Builder:
Billing Items
A Billing Items report is used to look at individual line items, like time entries, expenses, and flat fee items.
A Billing Items report is useful when an attorney wants to identify all expenses for a particular project, even those on past invoices, or look at the distribution of billing codes across all time entries.
The default columns for a Billing Items report are:
Column | Definition |
Raw Quantity | The actual quantity stored in the database, before any rules are applied; for a time entry, this is the "unincremented" quantity of time |
Description | The descriptive text that makes up the body of the billing item |
Project Name | The project the billing item belongs to |
Rate | The amount charged per unit; for a time entry, this is the cost per hour |
Username | The username for the team member designated on the time entry |
User Full Name | The full name for the team member designated on the time entry |
Date | The date on the billing item |
Unit | The unit for an expense or fee (e.g. mile, page) |
Is Billable | A yes/no that indicates whether the item should show up on an invoice |
Is Chargeable | A yes/no that indicates whether the item should be treated as having a $0 rate |
Item Type | The genre of billing item: Time, Expense, or Flat Fee |
Status | Where the billing item is in the overall workflow |
Timekeeper ID | The timekeeper ID associated with the team member designated on the time entry, if specified |
Created By User | The username of the user that created the billing item |
Invoice Number | The invoice that the billing item is on (if any) |
Original Total | The total of “Rate” multiplied by “Raw Quantity,” with no rules applied; a billing item that is not chargeable will have an original total > $0 |
Final Total | The total of “Rate” multiplied by “Final Quantity” with rules applied; a billing item that is NOT chargeable will have a final total of $0 |
Invoice Link | The link to the invoice that the billing item is on; this link opens a new tab to the project |
Additional columns, including columns for different types of billing codes, can also be added to the report. These are not included by default.
The Billing Report also includes options for including deleted billing items and time entries with Draft status. These options are available on the Set Up Columns page of the Report Builder, under Show More Columns.
Items on the Billing Items report can also be used as replacement codes in DocGen and invoice templates.
Invoices reports are based on invoices, rather than focusing on individual line items like Billing Items reports. Invoices reports provide information like the totals and statuses of invoices and are useful for viewing information on all invoices for a project or for an Org.
The default reporting columns for Invoice reports are:
Column | Definition |
Project Name | The name of the project from which the invoice was created; clicking on this field opens the project in a new tab |
Invoice Number | The number of the invoice |
Invoice Date | The date on the invoice |
Due Date | The date by which payment is expected/due |
Mode | The Invoice status: Editing, Pending Approval, Approved, Final, Void, Partially Paid, and Paid |
Balance | The dollar amount left to be paid on the invoice, i.e. “Total” - “Total Paid” |
Days Overdue | If the invoice is past due and has been marked as sent, the number of days that have elapsed since the due date |
Total | The overall dollar amount for the invoice |
Total Paid | The total dollar amount of any payments that have been applied to the specific invoice |
Total Expenses | The total dollar amount for all of the expenses included on the invoice |
Total Time | The total dollar amount for all of the time entries included on the invoice |
Total Flat Fee | The total dollar amount for all of the flag fee items included on the invoice |
Sent Date | The date on which an invoice was marked as sent |
Start Date | The start date for the invoice |
End Date | The ending date for the invoice |
Link | The link to the invoice modal inside of Filevine |
Invoice Doc Link | The link to the most recent invoice PDF that was generated |
The Payments report contains one row for each payment record and is mostly used to track information about payments, like total, applied versus unapplied, reference numbers, date, and method.
The default report columns for Payments reports are:
- Project Name
- Date
- Total
- Unapplied Amount
- Source
- Reference Number
- Payment Is Void
- Created By Full Name
- Link
- Created date
- Modified date
- Created by username
- Payment ID
- Modified by full name
- Modified by username
Payment Application
In some situations, a single payment may be applied to multiple invoices, or a single invoice may be paid off by multiple payments. The Payment Application report helps track these instances, allowing you to attribute a certain amount of incoming money to specific individuals. The Payment Application Report outputs one row per payment-invoice combination.
The default report columns for the Payment Application Report are:
- Org name
- Project name
- Payment date
- Total amount of payment
- Payment voided
- Payment reference number
- Payment source/method
- Payment application date
- Amount applied to invoice
- Invoice number
- Invoice date
- Invoice voided
- Applied by username
Project Funds Entries
The Project Funds Entries report lists all of the credits and debits connected with Project Funds across the Org (i.e. for trust reconciliation).
The default columns for the Project Funds Entries Report are:
- Project Name
- Date
- Source/Method
- Reference Number
- Is Voided
- Transaction Type
- Project Fund Amount
Billing Replacement Codes
Report capabilities for billing items also include replacement codes (or mergefield codes), which can be used in Filevine’s DocGen and invoice templates. Codes can be found, as usual, in the field list.
The field list can be accessed by clicking on the Field List For This Section in the Create New Widget Template window, or by clicking the Field List button in the Doc Generation Setup Advanced tool or on the Available Merge Fields link in the Billing Setup Invoice tab.
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