Each activity item in a project's activity feed can be opened. In an open activity item, you'll see the vertical ellipsis menu with options, as well as options to comment, edit, and more.
Vertical Ellipsis Menu Actions
Open an activity item by clicking on it. An open activity item will display the item’s comments and additional options. To close the activity item, click on it again.
To move, copy, link, pin, or assign an Activity item, click on the item and then click on the vertical ellipsis to view the dropdown item menu.
The actions in the item menu can also be accessed through the item drawer. The item drawer can be opened or closed by clicking on the ellipsis at the bottom of a selected Activity item.
The item drawer remembers its state and will remain either open or closed for all items until you change the state, allowing for easy access to any item actions.
Share With
If a project has guest users, activity items can be shared with those guests on an item-by-item basis. Hover above the “Share with” option in the menu and you will see a list of the project’s guests. Choose the guest you’d like to share the item with. Once an item has been shared with a guest, that guest will have a checkmark next to their name. To unshare an item with the guest, click on that guest again.
All comments on this activity item will also be accessible to the guest.
Copy Link
The “Copy Link” option will copy a link to your clipboard. Paste that link to share the activity item to anyone who has access to it. Clicking the link will take the viewer to the project’s activity feed, filtered to show only the linked activity item.
Copy To
Note and email activity items can be copied to other projects using the “Copy to” or “Copy to Related Projects” options. “Copy to” will copy to any single chosen project, while “Copy to Related Projects” will copy the note all projects listed as related in your projects “Related” section. (Linked projects are not included.)
Any attached documents will be copied along with the item. The copied document will keep its original upload date, uploader, and revisions. Other information, like share links and tags, will be removed.
Move To
To move an activity item from one project to another, Project Admins can select “Move to” from the item’s menu. In the “Move To” modal, search for and select the desired project, and hit “Move.”
The attached document will be moved along with the item. If the document has been attached elsewhere in the project, a copy of the document will move along with the activity item. Any documents attached in comments on the activity item will also be moved.
The moved document will keep its original upload date, uploader, and revisions. Other information, like share links and tags, will be removed.
Print any activity item using the “Print” option. You can also save an activity item as a .pdf document by opening the print modal and selecting “Save as PDF” from the dropdown.
Printing an activity item will not print any attached documents. Attachments are able to be printed on their own.
Pinning an item can help make often-referenced information easily accessible. Activity items can be pinned by a Project Admin to either a user’s feed or a project’s activity feed, using the respective options. A pinned item will appear at the top of the feed unless it is filtered out. Pinned items are useful for warnings, instructions, or reminders that all of the project’s team members should see.
When an item has been pinned to either the user feed or the project feed, it will have a tag in the top right corner indicating its pinned state.
To unpin the item, select the “Un-pin from My Feed” or “Un-pin from Project” options.
Item Actions
Comments can be added to any activity item by opening an activity item and typing in the “Add to the conversation” textbox below it. They can provide additional information about the item, and allow team members to communicate back and forth. Comments on text items are a little different, since any task item comments will be sent as text replies to that number.
Comments can also be used to assign a note or email activity item to a team member, turning it into a task, by using the task formatting in the comment. Team members can even assign a task back and forth between them by adding multiple assigning comments.
If an item has multiple comments, you can use the Sort Order dropdown to sort comments either from oldest to newest (the default) or newest to oldest.
Flags and Seen
New activity items, or items with new comments, will have a box icon in the top right corner to indicate that you have not seen them. To mark the item as “seen” or “acknowledged,” click this box icon.
An activity item’s comments will appear beneath an opened activity item. The number of comments on an activity item will appear next to the item’s icon. The number will either be red to indicate that comments are unread or gray to indicate that all comments have been read.
A note, task, or comment can be edited by its author. To edit an item or comment, click on the pencil icon under the item’s text. Edit the item or comment, and click the checkmark to the right of the textbox to save your edits.
The tags of a note, task, or comment can be edited by any user, as long as the tag wasn’t added in the text of the item. To edit the tags, open the item and click Edit Tags. Remove and add tags as needed, and click the checkmark to the right of the tags box to save your edits.
Users can provide “reactions” to activity items and their comments. To react to an item comment, click to open the relevant item, and then click on the smiley icon underneath the text of the item or comment. Users can keep track of item reactions by running a List of Notes report.
Clicking on the smiley will give you a short list of available reactions.
Click on a reaction to add it to the item or comment. Users can add any many reactions as they like. Once a reaction has been added, click on the reaction where it appears in the item or comment to remove your reaction.
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