The Activity Section collects all notes, emails, tasks, texts, and reminders associated with a project. Users can log activity and case updates for all project Admins and collaborators to see.
To view the Activity Feed, navigate to a project and click Activity in the left side menu. To read more about the New Activity Feed, read New Feed + Activity.
Activity Items
There are many types of activity items, each with its own use. Most item types are added by clicking into the Write a Note text box at the top of the feed. As items are added, they appear in the feed.
Learn about each type of activity item.
As a project’s activity feed grows, use filters to find the item you need. On the left side of the activity feed, the quick filter lists the different activity item types. Click on an item to filter the feed to only items of that type.
You can also use the Filter dropdown on the right side of the feed to filter. In this dropdown, you can filter by:
- type of activity item
- pinned or unpinned items
- creator
- create date
- tags
Task items can additionally be filtered by:
- incomplete or complete
- assignee
- assigner
- task-completer
- due date
Dropdown menu filter can be stacked. Filtering by multiple tags returns items with all the filtered tags, rather than items with any of the filtered tags.
To remove a single filter, click on the “x” in that filter tag. To remove all filters, click the “x” to the right of the filter dropdown. Filters will be removed when you refresh or navigate away from the activity feed.
Item Actions
Each item in the activity feed can be copied, moved, edited, commented on, and more.
To open an activity item, find it in the feed and click on it. An open activity item will display the item’s comments and additional options. Click on the vertical ellipses menu to view all of the item options.
Learn more about all menu options and about how to comment on an item.
Trending Tags
The Trending Tags bar appears at the top of the Activity feed, below the Write a note box. This bar lists the top ten most commonly used tags in the project. Click a tag to filter the Activity feed by that tag. Click the up arrow to the right of the Trending Tags bar to collapse the bar.
Note: Filtering by multiple tags now returns only Activity items with all filtered tags. For example, if you filter by the tags #clientcall and #medicalrecords, only Activity items that are tagged as both #clientcall and #medicalrecords will be included in the results.
Formerly, filtering by more than one tag returned Activity items that had any of the filtered tags. Filtering by the tags #clientcall and #medicalrecord, for example, would have returned any Activity item tagged as #clientcall, #medicalrecord, or both in the search results.
Below the trending tags is the Summarize button, which allows you to quickly get a summary of the project’s Activity feed. Clicking Summarize opens a new SidebarAI thread with the project summary prompt.
For users with access to AI prompts, the project summary date range includes the last 30 days. For other users, the date range includes the last seven days. Learn more about SidebarAI.
Tips and Tricks
Watch below to hear some of our Filevine experts give their tips for best practices for using the Activity feed.
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