6/24/24 – 6/28/24
- An option to CC oneself has been added when emailing an individual invoice. This was previously available only for bulk emailing.
- ACH has been added as a built-in payment method for payment records, project fund deposits, and project fund debits.
- The timer now requires at least one “real” character (not just a space) in the description.
- Fixed production bug that allowed non-completed emails to be left as CC'd recipients.
- Fixed a bug where simultaneous jobs showed individual documents in the report for each signer.
- Converted Send Task Processor to MassTransit
Lead Docket
- Upgraded AG Grid for Payment to include total of payment amounts that included filtered list parameters.
- Updated GET LeadbyID to included Substatus on status dates list.
- Performance improvement for Members Access > Teams Tab to allow for faster loading.
- Project Admins can now opt to keep themselves on a project when removing a team that would remove their access.
- Teams will be enabled for Shards E/G/H/I.
6/17/24 – 6/21/24
- It is now possible to generate an invoice PDF for an archived project! This change will ease a point of confusion.
- Some of the columns in the Project Funds Entries report were causing the report to error; this has been remedied.
6/10/24 – 6/14/24
- Inside of project funds, when money is present, we now allow a user to create a “Debit” rather than a “Refund.” This makes more sense for firms that pay expenses out of trust or transfer funds to a different project, as well as those who may need to refund funds
- Inside the project billing section, Billing Entries tab, the description will now have a line break only at word breaks! This makes it much easier to read
- LEDES files were incorrectly showing an error for expense dates; this has been tidied
- The tooltip explaining the Error status in the project billing section, Billing Entries tab and in Timesheet had been lost; this has been restored
- It used to be possible to write off a negative or $0 balance invoice; we now prevent this
- Public API
- The quantity for time entries was incorrectly returning the raw value, rather than the incremented quantity (which primarily affected timer-created entries); this has been fixed
- If a time entry had a $0 rate (vs. having been marked as not chargeable), the field for rate was omitted; this has been fixed
- For Payments-enabled orgs, non-Org-Admins were being bounced out of the Setup | Orgs page; this no longer happens
- In Advanced | Billing Setup | Codes, the “Change Position” button always pointed up, even on the code set in the first position; this has been fixed
- Projects that were mass imported were not being assigned a rate schedule directly, leading to some oddities; this has been addressed
6/3/24 – 6/7/24
- New Public V2 Teams API Endpoint - Get Team Details (MR)
- User IDs
- User Names
- User Emails
- User's AccessLevel integer
- User's Roles
- InitialSubscribeNewProject boolean
- New Teams Webhooks for Removing/Adding Teams to Projects (MR)
- Returns: Team ID, Team Name, UserID & Project ID
- Bug Fix: Users with notification set to "Notify when subscribed to Project" were not getting notified when initially added via an Auto-Add Team
Lead Docket
- The new Payments Section has been released to all payment customers. This new section has a greater customization of columns and filters.
- A manual Payment option is now available in the Payments tab, with options to map to Filevine (Project Funds and Payments).
- Bug Fix: Allowing settlement and fee value to equal zero
- Bug Fix: Fee Prediction showing on Leads Report
- You can now saved custom fields for Vinesign templates and documents. Read more about the Custom Field Library.
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