Filevine projects cannot be deleted; however, they can be archived. Archived projects will not appear in your search results or on your reports unless specifically requested. So, if you accidentally created a duplicate project, simply archive it.
Using Tags to Categorize
If you’d like to run reports on archived projects without including duplicated projects, you can use tags to better categorize your projects. If you label each duplicate project with “#duplicate,” for example, you can then run a report on all projects that do not contain this tag.
Learn more about how to add tags to a project.
List of Projects Report
Navigate to the Report Builder and run a List of Projects report. On the Choose Criteria tab, add Include Archived Projects and select “yes.” Then, add the criteria Project Hashtags, set to “does not contain,” and enter “duplicate.”
Run your report, and Your report should now include all archived projects that are not labeled as “#duplicate.”
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