Protected sections allow you to use Teams to manage users’ access to custom sections. Custom sections can be marked as “protected” in the Customs Editor, and users’ access to protected sections is then set at the team level, in the Team Management page.
Protected sections can help you manage access to edit or view information. For example, you could make the Negotiation Section read-only for all users besides the attorney working the case, or hide sections with sensitive client information from any users not working the case.
Enable Protected Sections
Custom sections can be marked as “protected” in the Customs Editor. Both static and collections sections can be protected sections, but built-in sections cannot.
Access to these sections is uniform across all protected sections within a project. If a user is marked as “read-only” for protected sections, for example, they will have read-only access to all sections marked as protected in the Customs Editor.
How to Mark a Section as Protected
Navigate to the Customs Editor and open a custom section. Toggle the Protected Section option on and click Save.
Note: Any user with access to the Customs Editor can mark a section as protected, but only Org Admins can turn the toggle off.
Set User Permissions at the Team Level
By default, protected sections are hidden for all users. Access to project sections cannot be granted in the project—read-only or full edit access can only be granted at the team level, and then the team can be attributed to the project.
In the Team Management page, you can choose an access level for each user in that team.
Protected Section Access Levels
- Edit: The user has full access to all protected sections and can view and edit all information there.
- Read-only: The user can view information in all protected sections, but cannot edit it. The user can click to open a contact card or collection section item in order to view the data there, but they cannot edit the information.
- Hidden: The user cannot view any protected sections. Protected sections will not show in the project’s left-side menu, search, or anywhere else. This access level is the default for users.
Note: Documents added to projected sections are still linked out to the Docs section, so all users will still have access to these documents through that section.
How to Grant Access
Navigate to the Member Access tab (Main Menu > Setup > Member Access), and then click Teams and select the team you’d like to manage.
In the team’s management page, select protected section access for all users. By default, all users’ access is set as hidden. Click on the dropdown to set their access to “read-only” or “edit.”
Effects in Project
When a team is added to a project, each user on the team is granted access to the project’s protected sections according to the team access settings. If a user is part of multiple teams added to the project, they will be granted whichever access level is highest.
Unlike other team access settings, there is no way to view or alter a user’s access to protected sections at the team level. The user’s access level depends solely on the access level given in the team’s settings.
Because there is no way to grant access to the protected sections in-project, any actions that break the team will remove access to protected sections for all users on that team unless another team grants them protected section access. When a team is broken, all user’s access to protected sections will become “edit,” and all users will be able to view or edit protected sections. Read more about how teams can be broken.
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