Vinesign allows users to text or email a .pdf document for clients to securely fill and sign. The clients’ ability to sign the document from their phone significantly speeds up the signature collection process.
This article provides an overview of the following areas in Vinesign:
Note: Vinesign Admins also have access to the Reports, Team, and Settings tabs in Vinesign. Learn more about Vinesign’s Admin tools.
Home Page
The home page is the first page you see after logging into Vinesign. This page allows you to quickly begin sending documents or creating templates and to view recent documents.
At the top of the home page, click Sign & Send Documents to create a document to send, or click Create Templates to design a new template.
The Recent Documents section displays your organization’s documents, with the most recently sent documents first. By default, these documents are displayed in a list view. To toggle to a grid view, click the grid icon in the top right corner. Click View All to be taken to the Documents tab, where you can browse all of your documents.
Each document displays the following:
- document preview
- recipient and sender details
- the document’s status
- document download link
Click the vertical ellipsis icon to open a dropdown with additional actions.
Click the Vinesign logo in the top menu to return to the home page at any time.
Multiple Document Download Links
When a document contains multiple files, its document download link will read “Multiple,” and clicking the link will open the list of files.
The opened list displays all sent documents. Documents that are unsigned or partially signed display a label that reads “Original,” and clicking those documents will download the original unsigned document. Click Download All to download the combined PDF file with any signatures collected thus far.
If the document has been fully signed, the individual documents display a label that reads “Signed”. Click the individual documents to download the signed version of each. Click Download All to download all of the signed documents in a single zip file.
In the Documents tab, you can view the status, history, and verification of your documents. This tab also has options for copying, resending, and deleting a document. Click Documents along the top of the page to navigate to this tab.
The Documents tab consists of a list of sent documents. The documents you see depend on the privacy settings for the document and template. Each document in the list displays the following information:
- document title
document status:
- Sent: document was sent to the recipient(s)
- Failed: document was not sent due to an invalid email or SMS phone number
- Error: document was not sent due to an internal error; try sending it again
- In Progress: recipient(s) received and opened the document, but have not completed signing it
- Signed: all recipients have signed the document
- Expired: recipient(s) did not sign the document within the set expiration time
- Declined: recipient(s) declined to sign the document
- first recipient and their contact information
document download link
- When a document contains multiple files, this link will read “Multiple,” and clicking the link will open the list of files. Learn more about multiple document download links.
- associated Filevine project, if available
- date sent
On the far right of the document information, click the vertical ellipsis in the Actions column to view additional options. The options you see will vary, depending on the status of the document.
- Click Resend to resend a document. This option will only be available for documents that have not yet been fully signed.
- Click Expire to invalidate the document. Expired documents can no longer be signed recipients. This option will only be available for documents that have not yet been fully signed. Vinesign will ask you to confirm this action before proceeding.
- Click Copy to create a new document for sending from a previous document. Clicking this option brings you to the Design page for the new document. Any fields used in the previous document will appear in the new document. Additional signers will also be copied over. From here, you can customize the new document as desired, and fill out the information on the Send page as normal.
- Click Delete to delete the document. Vinesign will ask you to confirm the deletion before proceeding. Deleted documents are not recoverable, so use caution when deleting.
Click Document History to see an in-depth breakdown of actions taken on the document, like when a recipient viewed or signed the document.
Click Verification to verify the document and generate an audit log of all user actions. This option will only be available for documents that have been fully signed. Learn more about document verification.
- When a document contains multiple files, clicking Verification will open a list of each file’s verification page. Click a file link to download that verification page, or click Download All to download all of the verification pages in a single zip file.
- When a document contains multiple files, clicking Verification will open a list of each file’s verification page. Click a file link to download that verification page, or click Download All to download all of the verification pages in a single zip file.
At the top right of the Documents tab, click + Create Document to create and send a document. Learn more about sending documents.
Search and Filter
At the top left of the document list, you can search and filter the list as desired. To search, click the Search documents… box and enter a keyword. Click Apply or hit the Enter key to view the search results.
Clicking the Search documents… box or the Filters button also brings up options for filtering the list. You can filter the list by document status, creation date, and by user. When you’ve selected the desired filters, click Apply to generate the filtered list. Click Reset to revert to the default filters.
You can view and manage your document templates in the Templates tab. Click Templates in the top menu to navigate to this tab.
The templates you see will depend on the privacy settings for the template. Each template in the list displays the following information:
- template title
- template creator
- download link for the template’s document
- date created
On the far right of the template information, click the vertical ellipsis in the Actions column to view additional options.
- Click View to open and view the template.
- Click Edit to open the Design page for the template, where you can add additional fields and make other desired changes. Learn more about editing templates.
- Click Send to open the Send page for the template, where you can send the template to the desired recipients. Learn more about sending documents.
- Click Delete to delete the template. Vinesign will ask you to confirm the deletion before proceeding. Deleted templates are not recoverable, so use caution when deleting.
- Click Download to download the template’s document to your device.
At the top right of the Templates tab, click + Create Template to design a new template. Learn more about designing templates.
Search and Filter
At the top left of the template list, you can search and filter the list as desired. To search, click the Search templates… box and enter a keyword. Click Apply or hit the Enter key to view the search results.
Clicking the Search templates… box or the Filters button also brings up options for filtering the list. You can sort by date, and filter by creation date and user. When you’ve selected the desired filters, click Apply to generate the filtered list. Click Reset to revert to the default filters.
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