The team section has a card view and a Role View. Switch between the two views by clicking the toggle on the top right. The card view groups team members by their team status, while Role View groups the project’s team members by role. This article discusses how to edit users’ roles, taskflow assignment order, and permissions in Role View.
Role Groups
Role headers are arranged by Sort Order as chosen in the Roles Setup Advanced tool. Users assigned to a role appear in the corresponding role group. Each user’s permission appears by their name.
No Role Group
If a user in the project has no roles, they appear in the No Roles group. No Role is the last role header listed, and it includes all users who have been added to the project but have not been assigned roles.
Role Position Assignment
In each role group, users appear in their role position assignment order. The user in the first position, marked with a 1st badge, will receive all auto-tasks assigned to that role. For example, in the instance below, if an auto-task is assigned to the Accounting role, Adam would be assigned that task.
If Adam is removed from the Accounting role, or another user is moved to the first position for this role group, then the new first user would be assigned Accounting autotasks going forward.
Users in the first position can also be reported on and shown in a project’s vitals.
Taskflow Order
Taskflow assignment is wholly dependent on a user’s position in the role group. Users’ team permissions, Admin status, and primary status no longer affect taskflow assignments. Autotasks will always be assigned to the user in the first position of a role group, who is marked by a filled in "first" flag.
If a user listed third in a role group is moved to the first position, for example, that user would now receive all auto-tasks assigned to the role, even if other users with the role have Admin permissions and they do not.
How to Move Positions
Users can be moved within a role group, but not across role groups, since a user may appear in multiple role groups.
Project Admins can move a user’s position in a role group by hovering over the dotted line at the left of the user and dragging and dropping the user to the new position. Users can also quickly be moved into the first position by clicking the empty badge icon at the right of the user.
Any user with the 1st badge to the right of their name is in the first position to their role group, meaning that they will be assigned any autotasks for that role on that project.
Use the Role View filter to search the entire list of users by users’ names or permissions. To filter by permission, use any of these special terms:
- Admin
- follower (used to filter users who are subscribed to the project)
- collaborator
- guest
You can use the filter to search for users, even if users are hidden in collapsed groups. When filtered, a role group will only display filtered users who may or may not be the actual first-listed user in that role group.
Expand and Collapse
Click the plus/minus symbol to the right of the role header to collapse and expand the role list. You can also collapse or expand all roles at once by clicking the Collapse All/Expand All button along the top of the page.
Adding and Removing Roles and Permissions
Roles and permissions can be added by a project Admin in a user’s card. Click a user to open the user card on the right side of the screen. Once selected, all of the user’s role assignments will be highlighted.
Each user card displays the user’s name, username, and email. Underneath, you see a toggle for subscription and for project access.
Roles and permissions can be added and removed individually in Role View. To assign a role for more than one project, use the Org > Members tool. The Mass Update Permissions tool can also be used to assign project roles and role assignment positions for all existing projects or for a subset of existing projects.
Change the user’s roles by clicking select roles, typing to filter roles in the list, and selecting a role. The role tag will appear in the select roles box.
Remove roles by clicking the “x” next to a role tag. As you add and remove roles, you will see the change reflected in the roles lists to the left.
Access and Subscription
Change the user’s access level by selecting the desired team status. Subscribe the user to the project, enabling project notification, by toggling Subscribe to on.
Guest users have the Share Project Sections button. Clicking this button will open the Share User Sections modal, where you will be able to choose the project sections that should be shared with this guest user.
Adding and Removing Users
Invite a user using the + Invite button in the top righthand corner. In the modal, enter a user’s name, username, or email address and click invite.
To remove a user from the project, click the user to open their user card and select Remove from Project at the bottom of the card. If a user is the only primary on a project, they will not be able to be removed until another primary has been assigned.
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