This article discusses how to manage and handle documents in Filevine. Users can move and copy documents between projects, create share links, and more.
To view the options for a document, click on the document’s dropdown menu. In the Docs Section, you will need to click on the document to select it and then click on the vertical ellipses along the top of the section page. For documents attached elsewhere in a project, like file attachments fields or the activity feed, click on the caret to the right of the document.
The document dropdown menu will provide options for sharing, noting, and more. The docs section also supports multi-select. If you have fax enabled, or Vinesign integrated with your Filevine Org, you will also see these options in the menu. The Vinesign option can only be used when a PDF file is selected.
For additional special management, like Bates Stamping, Doc Combining, and more, check out the Docs+ section.
Basic Options
Share Links
Note This
Move & Copy
Basic Options
Documents can be downloaded, previewed, and--for Excel or Word documents--copied to a PDF.
Download a document from the section by selecting the document and clicking the download icon that appears across at the top right. You can also select “download” from the document menu or by click on the download icon in the preview screen.
After selecting a document select “Preview” from the document menu to bring up the full previewer. In the Docs section, you can also select the eye icon along the top or in the preview section of the properties flyout. Most text, image, audio, and video files can be previewed in Filevine.
In the previewer, you can view the document in detail, including a thumbnail view of the document and the ability to zoom in and out. The previewer also has a dark mode, making it easier to view in low light environments. Docs+ customers will also be able to annotate and save docs and image files as PDFs. Learn more about Docs+.
Consult the table in the Preview Files article to see which file types can be previewed.
Create PDF Copy
The “To PDF” option will appear in the document menu of excel or word documents. Select the desired document and choose “To PDF” from the dropdown to generate a PDF with the same name. The new PDF will appear in the main folder of the Docs section.
Share Links
Clicking on “Share Link” in the document menu or at the bottom of the “Links” tab in the properties flyout will open the “Create Doc Share Link” window. Choose authentication and the expiration date and then click “Save” to generate the link. You can then click “copy to clipboard” or “email” to share the link more quickly.
Shared links will update with new versions of the document. If a new version of the document is uploaded, the share link will show the new version.
Created share links can be viewed in the document’s properties flyout.
Folder Sharing
To share a folder, multiple folders, or a combination of folders and files, hold Ctrl (⌘ for Mac) and select the folders and files you’d like to include in your share link. Then, click on “Share Link,” just as you would to share a file.
The “Create Doc Share Link” modal includes the number of documents being shared along the top. Click on the “Included Folders” dropdown to see the folder structure, with the included folders highlighted.
Choose the viewing and expiration options for the link and click “Save.”
The share link will update with any changes to a folder or any of its subfolders. Any document added to a shared folder or any of its subfolders will be accessible to anyone with a shared link. Likewise, if a document is removed from a shared folder, it will no longer be accessible to those with the link.
A recipient of the share link will see the folder navigation view, the document list, and the doc previewer. Recipients can navigate through the folders and subfolders, search documents, adjust the view settings for the document, and download either a single document or all documents in a folder.
In the Docs section, any folder or file that has been shared will be marked with a person icon. Information about the link can be viewed in the folder’s properties flyout.
Note This
Clicking on “Note This” in the document menu will open the “Create a Note for ‘Project Name’” window. Enter text and click “create” to add an activity item in the project’s Activity Feed. Click on the document menu to attach another project document or upload a document. You are also able to send some documents as a text.
You will be able to see a preview of the note at the bottom of this window.
To rename a document, select “Rename” from the document menu. This will open the “Rename Document” window, where you can edit the document’s name.
Folders can also be renamed from the navigation view.
Move & Copy
Documents can be moved or copied to a different folder or to a different project entirely. Moving a document transfers that document from the current location to the one you’ve selected, while copying the document creates a copy of the document in the selected new location.
Select “Move” from the document menu to open the “Move Doc” window, where you can move or copy a document from one project or one folder to another. Enter the desired project name or select the folder location. Then, press “Copy Doc” or “Move Doc.”
Note: Only files less than 2 GB can be moved and copied.
You can also move or copy documents from one folder to another within the Docs section. Open navigation view, and then select the documents from the docs list and drag them into the chosen folder in the navigation view.
In the modal, choose either “Copy” or “Move.” To skip the modal step, press Shift while dragging the documents to move them, or press Ctrl (Cmd for Macs) while dragging the documents to copy them.
Document Details
Moved documents will keep their original upload date, upload user, and hashtags. A moved document will also keep its version history and any active share links. Moving a document requires you to be a Project Admin on the project you’re moving from.
Copied documents will not keep any of the information from the original document. Version history, share links, and hashtags will remain with the original document and will not be copied over. The document’s upload information will be generated from the time it was copied and the user who copied it.
Select “Update” from the document menu to open the “Versions” tab of the properties flyout for the selected document. You can also navigate to this tab by clicking the information icon and then selecting the versions tab in the properties flyout. In this tab, you can view the version history and current version of the document. To upload a new version, click the “Upload New Version” button.
Select “Hashtag” in the document menu to open the “Add Hashtags to [Doc Name]” window. You can also select “Add Hashtag” from the Details tab of the properties flyout. Add one or multiple hashtags by entering the hashtag followed by a comma or space. Remove hashtags by clicking on the “x” by the hashtag name or by backspacing.
Documents added to File Attachment fields or generated by DocGen or Fusion buttons can have their hashtags autogenerated upon attachment or generation. Read the articles on file attachment fields, DocGen, and Fusion to learn more.
If you are a Project Admin, you will also have the option to remove documents from the section. Removing the document will also remove it from any fields, notes, comments, or anywhere else it is currently attached, so exercise caution when removing. Select the document and then select “Remove” from the document menu and click “Delete from Filevine” in the modal to remove that document from the project.
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