This article discusses the User List report type. A User List report will give you information about the user(s) in your Org. For example, you could run a report to see how many unread notes a user has, or the number of projects where each of your users is a primary.
This report type is only available for Org Admins.
User List Report Columns
Details |
Org Name |
First Name |
Last Name |
Username |
Fullname |
Name (Last, First)
Is Active |
Created At |
Auto-add To New Projects
Auto-follow New Projects
Auto-added Roles
Has Advanced Permissions
Advanced Permissions
Is Org Admin |
Two-Factor Enabled
Counts |
# Of Projects Where Member
# Of Projects Where Admin
# Of Projects Where Following
# Of Projects Where Primary
# Of Projects Where Collaborator
# Of Projects Where Guest
# Of Assigned Tasks
# Of Overdue Tasks
# Of Unread Notes
User List Report Criteria
Criteria | Modifier |
General | |
Org Name Is In (list) | |
Organization | |
User | |
Auto-Added Roles are In (list) | |
Created At |
is, after, on or after, before, on of before
Full Name |
is, contains, is not, does not contain
Has any Advanced Persmissions | Yes, No |
Has Auto-Added Roles on New Projects | Yes, No |
Has Two-Factor Auth Enabled | Yes, No |
Is Active | Yes, No |
Is Auto-Added to New Projects | Yes, No |
Is Auto-Follower on New Projects | Yes, No |
Username |
is, contains, is not, does not contain
Username Is In (list) | |
Number of | |
Assigned Tasks | "=,>,≥,<,≤" |
Overdue Tasks | "=,>,≥,<,≤" |
projects where Admin | "=,>,≥,<,≤" |
projects where Collaborator | "=,>,≥,<,≤" |
projects where Guest | "=,>,≥,<,≤" |
projects where Member | "=,>,≥,<,≤" |
projects where Primary | "=,>,≥,<,≤" |
Unread Notes | "=,>,≥,<,≤" |
Team | |
Admin on Project where Project or Client Name |
is, contains, is not, does not contain
Collaborator on Project where Project or Client Name |
is, contains, is not, does not contain
Guest on Project where Project or Client Name |
is, contains, is not, does not contain
Primary on Project where Project or Client Name |
is, contains, is not, does not contain
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