By utilizing this type of report, you will be able to create a list of calendar events, both past and future. This is a great way to see and prepare for upcoming deadlines and appointments. In addition to several of the previously available criteria, this type of report can be filtered by the following new criteria:
- Attendee name or username
- Event name
- Event date
- Event location
- Event note
- Event type
How to Build a Report of Calendar Events
For more information on the report builder, please see this article and video.
1) Navigate to the Menu > Report Builder.
2) Select the report type, "Calendar Events," from the right-hand side.
3) Set up the columns of data you want to be displayed for each result. This could include a URL to the project's calendar event or the notes that have been written about each event.
4) Choose the criteria by which you will filter your report results. As stated previously, the event name, date, location, etc can be used as criteria. You can also display calendar events for a specific user by role or permission.
5) Run the Report and view your results. If they are not as expected, you will want to go back to the Set Up Columns and Choose Criteria steps to adjust the report to your liking.
6) Save and Export the report for further use and functionality. By saving a copy of the report, you'll be able to custom the export template, share the report with other users, and set up auto-reporting for the report to be regularly emailed to you.
upcoming events
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