Document Verification is Vinesign’s method of validating signed documents. This article gives an overview of Document Verification, as well as how to access a document's verification page and verify signed documents using the verification portal:
For US Customers:
For Canadian Customers:
Each document’s verification page is a separate file, rather than appended to the end of the document. The verification page is attached to the email that contains the completed document.
Verification Page
Verification Portal
Disable Document Verification Text
Document Verification allows users to validate Vinesigned documents. When a document is deemed valid, it means that the document and its signatures are time stamped, hashed and verified as unaltered. Document Verification can be used to confirm the authenticity of Vinesigned documents to a third party, like a judge, commissioner or auditor. Documents can be verified at each signature stage, even if all signatures have not been collected.
Note: Document Verification only works for documents signed going forward. Document Verification will not work for documents created before Document Verification existed.
Private Blockchain
Document Verification uses a private blockchain to verify the authenticity of Vinesign documents. The private blockchain is essentially an electronic ledger that records all changes and signatures on each document. When a document is sent, a new blockchain and genesis block are created for the unsigned document. Each signer’s completion of the document generates a new block containing data related to the document.
The private blockchain allows Document Verification to confirm that a document hasn’t been altered and to differentiate between current and earlier copies of a document. For example, if you attempt to verify a Multisign document that has since been signed, Document Verification will recognize that the document is outdated.
Verification Page
Once a document has been fully signed, the sender will receive an email with the signed document and verification page attached as separate files. If the signed document contains multiple files, the signed files will appear as separate attachments, along with a single verification page for the entire document.
The verification page displays key details and metadata about the document, including its status, name, sender name, and document key. Below these details, you’ll see each recipient’s name, email address, phone number, IP address, and signature. The verification page also shows the complete document history, including all activity, when the activity occurred, and who performed the activity.
Senders can also generate a verification page in the Documents section of Vinesign. To the right of the document you wish to verify, click the vertical ellipsis in the Actions column. Then, click Verification. If the document contains a single file, Vinesign will immediately generate and download the verification page. If the document contains multiple files, clicking Verification will open a list of the verification pages for each file in the document. Click a file link to download that verification page, or click Download All to download all of the verification pages in a single zip file.
Note: The Verification option will not appear for documents created before Document Verification, or for documents that have not been signed by at least one recipient.
Verification Portal
The verification portal is a free, public tool that allows anyone to upload a Vinesigned document and confirm its authenticity.
For US Customers:
For Canadian Customers:
To verify a signed document, click Choose File and select the desired document. After uploading, click Submit.
If the document is invalid, you will see an error message.
If the document is valid, you will see a message that indicates whether the document is verified or outdated.
Disable Document Verification Text
By default, signed documents include a unique Document ID at the top of the first page, and the verification portal URL at the bottom of the first page. If desired, Admins can choose not to include this text on their organization’s signed documents.
To disable the Document Verification text for your organization, select Settings from the top menu. Locate the Include Document ID and Verification URL on Signed Documents option, and uncheck the box. Then, click Save.
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