Enabling a Certified Partner Integration (CPI) involves using the Integrations and Service Account Advanced tools. These Advanced tools are accessible only to Account Admins.
CPIs are listed in the Integrations Advanced tool. Each integration available here has gone through Filevine’s registration process. To enable a CPI, follow the subsequent steps.
Activate the Integration
- Navigate to Main Menu > Advanced > Integrations.
- Find the integration and click Activate. You can also click Learn More to view details about the integration’s permissions and scopes.
Activating the integration allows it to connect with your environment. This authorization is intentionally independent from the subsequent steps, because it shows that the Account Admin has expressly authorized the integration.
Create a Service Account
Create a service account that will represent the integration.
- Navigate to Main Menu > Advanced > Service Accounts.
- Click New and select the integration from the dropdown.
- You can choose to grant all permissions to the service account, or elect to provide granular permissions manually later.
- Click Create.
Create a Personal Access Token and Share
Once the service account is in place, navigate to the Personal Access Tokens (PAT) section in the Account Manager and create a PAT associated with the Service Account you just created. Learn more about PATs in the Account Manager.
The PAT can be shared with the integration developer, and they can connect to any area of Filevine that has been granted to them expressly through permissions to the Service Account.
How Do I Get on the CPI List?
Developers who want to create a Certified Partner Integration should reach out tothe Filevine Partnerships Team.
Clients that are building out an integration that will only be used within a single tenant can generate their own tenant-specific secret in the access token menu.
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