Filevine’s API gateway allows us to support the ongoing development of our application, and provides customers and the company with better monitoring of their API traffic. The gateway allows more precise tools to facilitate requests with more granular controls.
This article outlines the steps for authenticating to the gateway. For more information on running further API requests, read the API Documentation (for US users, for Canadian users).
1. Prerequisite Steps
Before you make an authentication request to the gateway, you must generate a Personal Access Token (PAT) in Filevine. You will also need the client ID and secret.
- Generate a PAT. Generate an access token in Filevine’s Account Manager. (You must be an Account Admin to generate access tokens.) Read more about how to generate an access token.
- Register your client ID and secret. Ensure that your client ID and secret are registered. You will need this information for authentication. Contact a Filevine representative to receive the ID and secret.
2. Request a Bearer Token
Make a POST request to the Filevine Identity endpoint below, using the information collected in the table and in step 1. You will receive a bearer token, its expiration time (listed in seconds), and the requested scopes.
Method | POST |
Endpoint/URI | |
token | enter the PAT generated in step 1A |
grant_type | personal_access_token |
scopes (enter exactly as listed here) | fv.api.gateway.access tenant filevine.v2.api.* openid email |
client ID | enter the client ID you’ve registered |
client secret | enter the client secret you’ve registered |
A Note on Scopes
The scopes for this request should be space-separated, not comma-delimited. They should be entered exactly as they appear in the preceding table. Read the following for more information about each of the scopes:
- fv.api.gateway.access: generic scope for gateway access
- tenant: access to FV Tenant (get tenant ID)
- filevine.v2.api.*: access to Filevine API Methods
- openid: get user information
- email: get user email
- scope for the gateway to request the correct base URL path from FV Auth (tenant URL)
3. Request the User ID and Org ID
Perform a your first request to the API gateway to get your User ID and Org ID. You will use the bearer token (from step 2), the User ID, and the Org ID as headers in all further requests.
Method | POST |
Endpoint/URI | |
Auth Type | Bearer Token |
Token | use the bearer token generated in step 2 |
In response, you will receive the User ID and Org ID.
4. Make Further Requests
Use Filevine’s API Documentation to make additional requests:
Use the bearer token and provide the User ID and Org ID as headers in all further requests.
- Org ID header name: x-fv-orgid
- User ID header name: x-fv-userid
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