Org Admin permissions have been decoupled from most Advanced tools. Formerly, Org Admin permissions were a prerequisite for access to Advanced tools. As of 11/08/2022, users no longer need the Org Admin permission to access most Advanced tools.
This change means that any users who do not need access to a specific set of Advanced tools, or to other capabilities specific to the Org Admin permission, will no longer need the Org Admin permission.
Coming in early December, users with the Org Admin permission will be able to grant and remove access to any Advanced tools they themselves have access to. Access to Advanced tools can be granted to any users in their Org. To avoid granting this functionality widely, it is recommended that you remove Org Admin permissions from any user who does not need the permission.
Who Should Be an Org Admin?
The Org Admin permission is still required for the following Advanced tools:
- Task Utilities
- Clear Feed
- Mass Doc Generation
- Mass Update Permissions
- Mass Update
- Org Fax Usage
Additionally, Org Admins still have access to Org-wide functions like the Mailroom, all report data, and managing other users’ statuses and permissions. Read more about the capabilities of Org Admins.
Any user who needs access to any of the six Advanced tools listed above or who requires the other Org Admin capabilities should remain an Org Admin.
Additionally, any “integration” users must remain Org Admin users to avoid breaking integrations. These users are usually named “API Integration” or “Filevine Integration.” If your Org has these users, ensure that the Org Admin permission is not removed from them.
Any other users no longer need the Org Admin permission. For example, if a user is currently marked as an Org Admin because they need access to the DocGen and ReportFusion Advanced tools, that user no longer needs the Org Admin permission. Removing the Org Admin permission from this user will not remove their access to Advanced tools, except for those listed above.
Why Remove Org Admin Permissions?
This decoupling change has been made in preparation for a new feature, coming in early December: an Advanced Access tab.
Currently, Advanced tools must be enabled by Filevine support. The Advanced Accesstab will allow Org Admins who already have access to an Advanced tool to grant access to and remove access from other users for that tool. An Org Admin who has access to the Customs Editor Advanced tool, for example, will be able to grant and remove access to the Customs Editor from any other user in the Org’s Members tab.
Note: Users can only grant or remove access to those tools they themselves have access to. For example, if an Org Admin has access to the Customs Editor but not the Undelete tool, they will be able to access the Advanced Access tab and grant access to the Customs Editor, but they will not be able to grant or remove access to the Undelete tool.
Following is a list of the tools and permissions that can be managed in the Advanced Access tab. An Org Admin user will be able to manage access for any of the following tools that they themselves have access to:
- Auto-Tags
- Billing
- Billing Setup
- Clear Feed
- Contacts Setup
- Customs Editor
- Deadline Chains
- Doc Generation Setup
- Fax Usage
- Import/Export Contact Templates (accessed within Contacts Setup)
- Import/Export Custom Templates (access within the Customs Editor)
- Judicial Calendar
- Mass Doc Generation
- Mass Update
- Mass Update Permissions
- Merge Contacts
- Org Phone Numbers
- Quickbooks Integration
- Reminder Schedules
- ReportFusion
- Roles Setup
- Tag Manager
- Task Utilities
- Taskflow
- Undelete
The Advanced Access tab allows users to grant access to Advanced tools that formerly only Filevine support could grant. To avoid granting this functionality widely, it is recommended that you remove Org Admin permissions from any user who does not need the permission. Removing Org Admin permission will not remove or change that user’s access to Advanced tools, unless it is one of the Advanced tools listed in the preceding section.
Prepare for the Change
To prepare for the Advanced Access tab, review the users in your Org and remove Org Admin permissions from any users who no longer need it.
Report on User Permissions
To determine which users in your Org are Org Admins, you can run a User List report and include “is Org Admin” as a column. You can also add columns about Advanced permission to this report for more details about which users might need to remain Org Admins.
Navigate to the Report Builder and select User List under Create New Report. In the Set Up Columns step, select the following columns:
- Has Advanced Permissions
- Advanced Permissions
- Is Org Admin
Add these columns to the report and run the report. The report will list whether a user is an Org Admin, whether they have access to any Advanced tools, and which Advanced tools they have access to.
Remove Org Admins Permissions
To remove the Org Admin permission from another user, you must have the Org Admin permission yourself. An Org Admin can designate or remove another user’s Org Admin permission by following the steps below.
- Navigate to the Members tab in Setup by clicking the main menu and selecting Setup from the dropdown. In the left side menu, select Orgs, and then select the Members tab.
- Click the user card of the user you’d like to remove Org Admin permissions from. In the opened card, select the Org Admin tab.
- Toggle off Make [User] an Org Admin. Determine whether that user should still have access to the Org’s Mailroom, and toggle off if needed.Then, click Update. In the popup, click Yes, Update to confirm.
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