Org Admins users have access to the Member Access tool. In this tool, users can be added to Teams, making it easier to add users in bulk to projects. Creating a team allows you to add a group of users to a project all at once, with pre-selected access levels and roles for each team member.
Member Access Section
You can navigate to the new Members Access section by clicking Main Menu > Setup > Member Access. This tab replaces the Org > Members tab.
If prompted, select your Org. This section contains three tabs: Members, Teams, and Projects.
- In the Members tab, you can view all Org members and edit their Org Access level and team assignments individually or in bulk.
- In the Teams tab, you can view all teams, and create and remove teams.
- In the Projects tab, you can filter and search a list of projects, and then add teams to that list of projects.
The video above reviews the Members and Teams tabs, and the Team Management page. View the video about the Member Access tool’s Projects tab in the project section.
Members Tab
In the Members tab, you can view a table of the Org members’ names, usernames, Org Access level, and assigned Teams. This table is sortable and filterable.
Search and Add
Search the list of members using the search box, and add a new member to the Org by clicking the + Add Member button in the top right corner.
Member Flyout
Click on the row of a member to open that member’s flyout. Here, you can view the member’s name, username, and email address. You can also view and edit the member’s Org access level and teams, and remove the member from the Org.
Change Org Access
You can add or edit Org Access for multiple members at a time. Select all the desired members, and click the badge icon.
In the opened flyout, select the desired access level for these members from the dropdown.
- Org Access: makes the selected members Org Admins. These users have access to the mailroom.
- Mailroom: gives the selected members access to the Org’s Mailroom
- No Additional Access: users will not be Org Admins and will not have access to the Mailroom
You can also remove a single member from the selected list by clicking the “x” to the right of that user’s name.
Once you’ve selected the desired access level, click Update Access.
Change Team Assignments
You can add members to new or existing teams, or edit their teams. Select the desired members, and click the people icon.
In the flyout, select the action.
- Add to existing team: add the selected members to any already-existing team
- Replace existing teams: remove the selected members from all currently assigned teams, and add them to the teams you select
- Create new team: add the selected members to a new team
- Remove from team: remove the selected members from teams
Next, select the teams you would like to be affected by the action from the list.
You can remove a member from the selected list by clicking the “x” to the right of that user’s name. When you have selected the desired action and teams, click Update Teams to apply the changes.
Remove From Org
You can remove multiple members from an Org at once. To do so, select all members you would like to remove, and click the trashcan icon. In the flyout, review the list. You can remove a single member from the selected list by clicking the “x” to the right of that user’s name. Click Remove Members. This action removes the members from all of the Org’s projects.
Teams Tab
In the Teams tab, you can view a list of the Org’s Teams, including the team description, and tags indicating the number of members and the number of projects the team has been added to.
You can also see whether a team is set to be automatically added to new projects, according to the following statuses:
- ON: All Projects: the team will be automatically added to all new projects
- ON: Custom Selections: the team will be automatically added to some new projects, depending on the project type. You can set which project types in the team’s management page.
- OFF: the team will not be automatically added to any new projects
Search and Add New Team
Search the list of teams using the search box, and add a new team to the Org by clicking the + New Team button in the top right corner. You can search by both team name and team description.
In the flyout, enter the team name and a description of the team, and click Save to add.
Team Management Page
Click on a team in the list to navigate to that team’s options page, where you can add and remove team members, team roles, and auto-add settings. Learn more about the Team Management page.
Projects Tab
In the Projects tab, you can add teams to a filtered list of projects. You can view a list of all projects in the Org, and search and filter that list by tags, primaries, types, and more. Select one or multiple projects from the list and click the people icon to add, replace, or remove teams from those projects. You can also add a new project in this tab by clicking the New Project button.
Filter and Search
On the left side of the page, you can filter the search results by the following:
- tags
- project types
- primaries
- phases
- teams
- last activity
Multiple filters can be added within and across the filter categories. Across filters, results include only documents that have both filters.
Click into a textbox and begin typing, and then select the filter from the dropdown. For the Last Activity filter, you can select an “on or after” date, an “on or before” date, or use both to select a date range.
The Tags and Teams filters have Any, All, and None options. Choosing Any includes projects that contain any of the selected tags or teams, while choosing All includes only projects that contain all of the selected tags or teams. Choosing None includes projects that do not contain any of the selected teams.
Note: The Teams filter can now be utilized as a column in any report that includes the Team column options, and Any, All, or None can be added as criteria.
When you have selected all filters, click Apply at the bottom of the filter menu to filter the list of projects. Use the search bar to search the projects further.
Click Clear at the top of the filters to clear all filters.
Project List
The project list is viewed in multiple pages. By default, 10 projects are shown per page. The bottom left corner of the list shows the total number of projects and the range being shown on the current page. Click the Show dropdown at the bottom of the page to select showing 10, 25, or 50, 100, 200, or 500 projects per page.
Assign Teams
Select projects from the list to assign, replace, or remove a team for those projects. You can select as many projects as you like on a single page.
Once you’ve selected the desired projects, click on the Queue icon to view a list of the projects you’ve selected. Click the Team icon to open the Project Teams flyout.
In the flyout, you can add teams, replace the teams currently assigned to the projects with the teams you have selected, or remove the selected teams. Select the action from the Change Action dropdown.
If you are adding or replacing teams, you have the option of subscribing the teams to project notifications. When this option is toggled on, all team members with their subscription settings turned on will be subscribed to the selected projects. If the toggled is turned off, no members will be subscribed to the selected projects, regardless of their individual settings.
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