Docs+ PDF is part of Filevine’s Docs+ Features. Contact your Filevine representative to learn more.
Docs+ users can upload documents up to 25 GB. They can also upload complete folder structures into Filevine.
Note: Document uploads can still be limited by your device. If your document upload fails, it may be due to your device’s RAM and upload speeds.
Folder structure uploads allow users to upload thousands of documents in a single action while maintaining their structure. When folders are uploaded, their structure will be recreated in Filevine, with all folders and subfolders maintaining their same names and files.
Upload Folder Structures
To upload a folder to the Docs section, drag the folder from your computer files either into the document list of your current folder or into any folder in the folder tree.
You can also upload folders by clicking the upload icon at the top right of the Docs section and selecting folders.
There is no limit to the size of the folders you upload, but each individual file must be below 25 gigabytes in order to upload.
Progress Window
Once you have selected documents or folders for upload, a collapsible progress window appears at the bottom left of the screen. The progress window displays any ongoing uploads and downloads.
Each upload shows the number of documents and folders in the upload and contains a link to where they were uploaded. The progress of an upload is recorded underneath the link.
To cancel an upload, click the X next to that upload in the progress window.
Documents and folders can be uploaded to multiple projects at the same time, and the upload will continue if you navigate away from the project. Multiple uploads and downloads will collect in the progress window.
Once an upload is complete, the progress status will change to complete. The upload status will remain in the progress window for thirty minutes, unless it is dismissed by clicking the X.
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