This article discusses how to finalize, send, and void invoices. Before reading this article, it is suggested that you review the Handling Invoices article.
This article covers actions taken on an individual invoice. Finalizing an invoice, generating a PDF or LEDES file, marking an invoice as sent, and more can be done in bulk in the Invoice tab of the Billing Advanced tool.
Finalize an Invoice
Once you are satisfied with your invoice and are ready to send it out, your next step is to finalize the invoice. Finalizing the invoice will lock it so that it can no longer be edited. To finalize the invoice, follow the steps below.
Note: Users finalizing invoices should have rate-viewing permissions in order to ensure that the finalized invoices are created correctly.
- Open the invoice window. In either the Summary tab of the Billing section in a project, or the Invoices tab of the Org Billing Advanced tool, locate the “Invoices” header and, in the list beneath, click on the invoice you wish to finalize. Learn how to navigate to the invoice window.
- Click on the ellipsis > “Finalize.” In the open “Invoice” window, make sure that all fields are correct and all desired entries are included. When you have checked the invoice over, click on the vertical ellipsis in the top right corner of the window. In the dropdown menu click “Finalize.”
- Confirm. A window will open, asking if you are sure you want to finalize. If you are sure, click the “Finalize” button.
Once an invoice is finalized, all fields will become uneditable and the invoice status will change to “Final.” The invoice is automatically generated as a downloadable PDF, which appears directly below the project name in the top left of the window.
If you do not have manual payments on and there is a positive payment balance, the payment will be automatically applied to the invoice, and the invoice status will change to either “Partially Paid” or “Paid.” (Although the payment is applied automatically, the PDF is not regenerated automatically. You must regenerate the PDF to see the payment reflected there.)
When the invoice is finalized, new options will become available in the vertical ellipsis dropdown menu in the top right of the “Invoice” window. You are now able to send, void, or write off the invoice. Read below for more information on these options.
Generate or Send
Once an Invoice has been finalized, the options available in the vertical ellipsis expand to include options to generate a file or send the invoice. You can generate a PDF document or a LEDES-compatible file of the finalized invoice. A finalized invoice can be sent out by email, fax, and share link.
Generate PDF
In an opened invoice, click the vertical ellipsis in the top right corner and then click “Generate Pdf” to generate the invoice as a PDF document.
To print the invoice and send it, click on the generated PDF in the top left corner, or click on the down arrow next to the generated PDF of the invoice and select “preview.”
In the preview window, hit the print button in the top right corner, or download the document and print. Remember to mark the invoice as sent.
Generate LEDES
Users can create LEDES 1998B compatible bills. Ensuring that the file is LEDES-compatible requires set up in the Billing Setup and Billing Advanced tools. Learn more about creating LEDES files.
To generate a LEDES file, open the desired invoice. Click the vertical ellipsis in the top right corner and select “Generate LEDES” from the dropdown. The generated file appears in the top left corner, underneath the generated PDF. Click the caret to the right of the file name and select Download from the dropdown to download the file.
Note: If the LEDES file contains errors, the title of the file will read “CONTAINS LEDES ERRORS.” Click to preview the file and review the errors . If the title does not include this text, the file successfully adheres to LEDES 1998B standards.
Send by Email
Users can send invoices via email directly with the “Send by Email” option. Invoices are attached to the email as a PDF and are sent to the project contact’s primary email address. To send an invoice email, you must first designate a reply-to email address in the Billing Setup Advanced tool.
Note: Invoice emails will be sent from the email address. The email address is not specific to your Org, and is not monitored. Your designated reply-to email address will receive any replies.
To send the invoice directly by email, open the invoice modal, click the vertical ellipsis dropdown, and select “Send by Email.”
An email with a PDF attached will be sent to the project contact’s primary email address. The invoice will be marked with the status “Sent.” The project contact will receive an email with the name of your organization telling them that the invoice is attached and ready for review.
- Check that the Org has enabled faxing. Find out more about faxing.
- Click “Share Link.” Click on the vertical ellipses in the top right corner of the “Invoice” window and hover over “Send,” then click “Fax.”
- Customize and send. In the fax modal, choose a cover sheet if desired, select a recipient, and then select “Send.”
- Mark as sent. Learn how to mark the Invoice as sent.
Share Link
- Click “Send Link.” Click on the vertical ellipses in the top right corner of the “Invoice” window. Select “Send Link” from the dropdown.
- Choose permissions and expiration. In the “Create Doc Share Link” window, choose the permissions and the expiration date for the link. Hit Save.
- Click on the email option. In the “Send The Invoice Link” window, click on “Email Invoice Share Link.”
- Customize and send. In the email box that opens, customize the message as you wish, and send.
- Mark as sent. Learn how to mark the invoice as sent.
Mark as Sent
Any time that an invoice is sent out, you should mark that invoice as sent. The date that an invoice is marked as sent affects how the invoice is reported on and is important for record-keeping. To mark as sent, in the “Invoice” window, click on the vertical ellipsis and select “Mark as Sent” from the dropdown menu. A paper airplane icon will appear next to the status for the invoice to indicate that the invoice has been marked as sent.
When an invoice is finalized, it will display additional options for voiding or writing off that invoice: Void, Void & Redo, and Write Off Balance.
If you find you’ve made a mistake or neglected to add an item in a finalized invoice, choose “Void and Redo;” the current invoice will be voided and a new invoice in editing mode will open. If you would like to void the invoice entirely, you can choose the void option. If you would like to mark the invoice as paid without inputting a payment, choose “Write Off Balance.”
When you would like to void an invoice entirely, and you do not want to redo the invoice, “Void” is your best option. When an invoice is voided, it will remain in your list of invoices and will be tagged with “Void.” All billing items in that invoice will be made available to be invoiced again.
To void an invoice, follow the steps below:
- Find and click “Void.” In the “Invoice” window, select the vertical ellipsis, and choose “Void” from the dropdown.
- Void. A window will appear asking if you are sure you want to void this invoice. If you are sure, click “Void.”
Voiding and Redoing
If you have finalized an invoice and need to redo, edit, or add to that invoice, “Void & Redo” is the best choice. When you void and redo an invoice, the first invoice will be voided, and all included entries, applied payments, and other settings will be copied over to a new invoice in “Edit” status.
To start an invoice over, follow the steps below:
- Find and click “Void & Redo.” In the “Invoice” window, click on the vertical ellipsis and select “Void & Redo” from the dropdown menu.
- Click “Start Over.” A window will open asking if you are sure you wish to start this invoice over. If you are sure, click “Start Over.”
Writing Off the Balance
If you would like to mark the invoice as paid without inputting a payment, “Write Off Balance” is a good option. When you write off the balance of an invoice, that invoice will be marked as “Paid” and a payment for the total of the invoice will be applied to the invoice.
To write off the balance of an invoice, follow the steps below:
- In the “Invoice” window, click on the vertical ellipsis and select “Write Off Balance” from the dropdown menu.
- A window will open asking if you are sure you wish to write off the balance. If you are sure, click “Write off.”
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