This article describes the function and use of the custom Yes/No field within the Customs Editor. When creating a field that requires a yes or no answer, custom Yes/No fields will be the best fit.
To learn how to add custom fields, including Yes/No fields, read the article on using the Customs Editor.
Using Yes/No Fields
Yes/No fields consist of a toggle between the option “Yes,” “No,” and “Unknown.” Yes/No fields default to “Unknown” until either “Yes” or “No” is chosen. Filevine Support recommends that Yes/No fields be used in cases where a “Yes” or “No” answer is required.
While Yes/No fields offer limited answers, they serve a wide range of purposes. They are well suited for answering questions like “Did you go to the hospital?” or “Were citations issued?” on intake forms, for example. If you have a question with answers that are not “Yes” and “No,” you might be better served by using a dropdown field.
Yes/No fields can help keep forms short, normalize the data, and cut down on user error.
Functions of Yes/No Fields
Yes/No fields cannot be converted to any other field, so it is important to select the correct field type from the start!
Yes/No fields include limited reporting criteria. When building reports with Yes/No fields, a user can limit the report to line items that have been answered “Yes,” items that have been answered “No,” or items that are still “Unknown.”
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