This article describes the function and use of the special custom fields “Case Number” and “Incident Date.” These two custom fields have very specific uses. Speak with your Implementation Consultant before determining whether to use these special custom fields.
For more information on how to add custom fields, including these special fields, read the article on using the Customs Editor.
Case Number Fields
Case Number fields are often used when Filevine’s Project ID system conflicts with a firm’s already-existing case number system. Filevine automatically generates a unique Project ID for each case. A case number field allows a firm to override the automatically generated Project ID by manually inserting their own ID for a project in the “Project Number” column in reports. The case number field does not change the Project ID in the URL.
Case number fields accept characters, numbers, and some symbols. This field type can only be used in static sections. Filevine Support recommends that Case Number fields only be used when recommended by an Implementation Consultant.
Case Number fields can be converted to any type of text field or to a URL field. However, it is impossible to convert a Case Number field to a non-text field, so it is important to select the correct field type from the start!
A Case Number field will override the “Project Number” column in a report so that any reporting criteria for “Project Number” will use the case number, rather than the Project ID.
Incident Date Fields
Incident Date is a legacy field type used to keep track of one of the most important dates for a case: the incident date. The way this field works is similar to an ordinary Date field, but an incident date field is also tied to separate functions within Filevine, like DocGen. Data in an Incident Date field will appear in the Incident Date column in reports and under the Incident section of DocGen fields, regardless of the Incident Date’s field name
Incident Date fields accept numerals that are written as dates in a MM/DD/YYYY format between the years 1600 and 9999. Incident Date fields can be converted to ordinary Date fields. Filevine Support recommends that Incident Date fields only be used when recommended by an Implementation Consultant.
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