This article provides details on all analysis types (or prompts) used in AIFields or AI Doc Review. You can also view a list of prompts suggested based on practice area.
Analysis Types
Below is the list of all available analysis types with an explanation of what each does.
Document Type | Analysis Type | Description |
Accident reconstruction report | Summarize the conclusion and key findings | Extract the main conclusion and key findings. |
Answer to RFP | What is opposing counsel worried about? | Analyze requests for production and identify the main issues or themes that the opposing counsel seems most concerned about. |
Claim File | Extract key info | Gather incident details, parties, damages, and status of the claim. |
Clinical research | List negative findings about a product | Review clinical research documents to identify any negative impacts associated with a product. |
Contracts | Identify important terms and clauses of the contract | Extract key terms like start and end date, amount due, and jurisdiction. This type also extracts any important clauses, such as indemnity, non-compete, arbitration, etc. |
Contracts | Identify potential dispute clauses | List out clauses that may become contentious in the future, including any terms that may be ambiguous, unfair, or potentially going against existing regulations. |
Contracts | List contract terms | Extract key terms, including dates, payments, and amounts due, in a list. |
Court Order | Summarize | Summarize court orders in bullet point format. |
Credit memo | Extract key information | Review a credit memo or commitment letter and extract the loan amount, loan purpose, borrowers, guarantors, collateral, interest rate, monthly payment, and reporting requirements. |
Criminal Case File | Identify key charges and evidence | See key charges and evidence extracted from various types of documents, including but not limited to pleadings, discovery materials, court decisions, transcripts, expert reports, and sentencing documents. |
Demand | Extract key info | Analyze and extract details from a settlement demand. |
Deposition | Identify any inconsistencies in the deponent's deposition testimony | Extract all logical inconsistencies and provide the page and line numbers associated with them in a bulleted list. |
Deposition | Summarize the client depo and identify any red flags | Provide a summary and list any statements that could potentially be problematic or need further attention. |
Deposition | Summarize the deposition | Provide a summary of the deposition along with key themes. |
Draft Discovery Responses | Identify potential objections raised by the opposing party | Predict potential issues or objections that may be raised by the opposition. |
Identify action items | Analyze an email chain, identify any outstanding tasks or actions, and summarize the current state of the matter. | |
Identify client questions in need of a response | Analyze the text within an email chain or letter and look for inquiries or questions from the client that warrant a response. | |
Identify potential areas for negotiation | Review email exchanges between parties to indicate possible negotiation points or areas of compromise that could be beneficial during settlement discussions. | |
Summarize the email chain | Analyze and convert a threaded email into natural, readable language. | |
Employee Handbook | Red flag analysis | Evaluate policies outlined in an employee handbook and identifies inconsistencies and red flags, indicating potential areas of non-compliance or ambiguity that require further attention. |
Expert Report or CV | Provide a list of sample deposition questions based on an expert report | Provide a list of starter or sample depo questions to help draft an early deposition outline. |
Expert Report or CV | Provide a summary of the expert witness CV with a professional history, academia and publications focus. | Summarize an expert witness report or CV with a focus on scientific publications, and their role in academia and in any regulated bodies. |
Expert Report or CV | Summarize the expert report or CV with a scientific literature focus | Summarize an expert witness report or CV with a focus on extracting data that relies on published scientific literature. |
General Document | Generate timeline | Generate a comprehensive timeline of the events listed inside of a document. |
General Legal Response (Depo, Answer etc) | Create an objection log | Analyze and create a log of all objections contained. If there are page or line numbers, those will be included. |
Independent Medical Examination (IME) | Summarize the IME/DME report | Create a summary of the attached report from an IME/DME and distill it into simple terms. |
Insurance declarations page | Extract key policy information | Extract coverage limits, policy numbers, type of policy, and other key information. |
Interrogatories | Identify prior legal actions the defendant has been involved in | Identify any prior legal proceedings the subject has been involved in. |
Interrogatories | Summarize the plaintiff's employment history | Scan an interrogatory and provide a summary of the employment history of the plaintiff. |
Lease agreement | Identify clauses related to eviction | Extract the specific clauses related to eviction in a lease agreement. |
Lease agreement | List terms and conditions | Extract the key terms and conditions of a lease agreement. |
Medical Billing | Extract charges | Extract individual charges from a medical bill and outputs in JSON format. |
Medical Estimates | Extract estimated charges | Extract estimated future charges from a life care plan, cost projection, or other document and outputs in JSON format. |
Medical or scientific literature | Summarize and fact-check the journal article | Provide a summary and confirm the facts and data mentioned within it. |
Medical Records | Create Safety Rules | Analyze the medical records and generate a list of rules which could have prevented injury, if adhered to. |
Medical Records | Detail by treatment date | Sort and present all treatments provided by date, creating a comprehensive timeline of the patient's medical journey. |
Medical Records | Extract CPT codes | Identify and list all Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes found within the medical records, which describe medical, surgical, and diagnostic procedures. |
Medical Records | Extract ICD-10-CM Codes | Identify and list all International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) codes found within the medical records, which represent medical diagnoses. |
Medical Records | Identify all injuries, treatment, and surgeries described in the records | Extract and list all injuries, treatments, and surgeries mentioned in the medical records. |
Medical Records | Identify future treatment | Extract mentions of planned or suggested future treatments, including all treatments suggested by healthcare professionals, their frequency and duration, and any specific conditions or precautions associated with them. |
Medical Records | Key findings | Highlight major findings, significant items in treatment history, and inconsistencies. |
Medical Records | List the medications prescribed to the client | Identify any medications prescribed to the client, as well as their dosage. |
Medical Records | Medical chronology |
Review a set of medical records. For each treatment date, this prompt returns: Date of service, Provider, Facility, Reason for Visit, History of the present illness, Subjective, Chief Complaint, Pain score, Objective, Vital signs, Testing, Imaging, Assessment, Diagnoses, ICD-10-CM Codes, Treatment, Medications prescribed, CPT Codes, Plan, Follow ups or referrals ordered, and Prognosis. |
Medical Records | Medical summary | Review a set of medical records and extract chief complaints, medical history as listed in the record, procedural codes, medications, and follow-up instructions. |
Medical Records | Pain scores over time | Extract all pain scores mentioned in the medical records and present them in an ordered format, showing the progression of the patient's pain over time. |
Medical Records | Progress notes by date | Provide an assessment of patient progress over time. |
Medical Records | Sample deposition questions | Generate a set of sample deposition questions that could be asked during a deposition, based on the information within the medical records. |
Medical Records | SOAP analysis | Organize data from medical records using the SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan) analysis. SOAP orders data into easy-to-review categories per date of service, while also highlighting relevant imaging findings and other critical details from records. |
Motion for Summary Judgment | Extract key details | Summarize key details from an MSJ. |
Paystubs | Generate timeline | Create timelines from employee paystubs and surface additional insights. |
Police report | Identify areas of ambiguity | Identify areas of ambiguity or that the opposing party might question. This may include unclear timelines, witness statements, or general descriptions. |
Police report | Summarize what happened | Provide a concise summary, including parties involved, date, location, and events as described in the report. |
Requests for Production (RFP) | Based on the requests in this document, what is the requestor worried about | Identify the main concerns or priorities of the requesting party. |
Scheduling Order | Extract dates and deadlines | List all important dates and deadlines. |
Trust | Summarize the trustee's duties | Summarize the duties imposed on the trustee. |
Vendor Agreement | Extract key provisions | Extract provisions and terms from vendor agreements including obligations, payment terms, warranties, indemnification clauses, termination conditions, and dispute resolution. |
Will | Identify all beneficiaries | Review a will, identifying and listing all the named beneficiaries. |
Prompts by Practice Area
The table below suggests common analysis types based on practice area. This list is not exhaustive, and does not include all analysis types, but is meant to serve as a guide or a starting point for the most useful prompts for you.
Practice Area | Analysis Types |
various practice areas/all | answer to RFP, draft discovery responses, email, interrogatories, requests for production (RFP) |
civil litigation | general legal response |
construction law | contracts |
contract law | contracts |
corporate in-house | contracts |
criminal defense | deposition, police report |
employment law | contracts, deposition |
estate planning | trust, will |
family law | deposition |
housing and real estate law | lease agreement, trust |
mass tort | clinical research, deposition, medical records, medical or scientific literature |
medical malpractice | deposition, expert report or CV, independent medical examination (ME), medical records |
personal injury | accident reconstruction report, deposition, expert report or CV, independent medical examination (ME), insurance declarations page, medical records, police report |
product liability | clinical research, medical or scientific literature |
SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance) | independent medical examination (ME), medical records |
workers compensation | independent medical examination (ME), insurance declarations page, medical records, police report |
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