Documents is part of Filevine’s Docs+ Features.
In Documents, you can search documents across all of your projects. Any document added to a project in your Org, including archived projects, appears in Documents. (Files associated with hidden projects or no projects do not appear.)
Navigate to the page by clicking the list icon or selecting Documents from the main menu.
Recent Documents
By default, the Documents page lists the files most recently opened by you. You also have the option to list the files by:
- Last modified by me
- Last modified
- Alphabetical
The files will be listed starting from the most recently opened or modified (or from A to Z, in the case of the alphabetical listing). These listings include up to 1000 documents.
Using the Lists
“Last Opened by Me” is the default list, and appears when you navigate to the Documents page. To change to a different list, click the Last Opened by Me dropdown and select a different list.
These lists cannot be filtered or searched. Searching or filtering the Documents page will search all documents. Click Clear Search to return to the last-selected list.
Opening and Modifying
A document is considered “opened” if it is viewed in the full previewer in a new tab. Viewing the document in the preview tab of the Docs section properties menu is not considered opening the document.
A document is considered “modified” if a user makes changes to the document’s body, creating a new version of the document.
Uploading a document, changing the title of the file, or editing a document’s tags is not considered modifying a document.
The Documents page displays a search bar along the top, and options for filtering along the left side. Enter a search term and click Search to bring up a list of the Org’s documents. This search includes all document information, so you could search a document by its title, content, metadata, and more. (In contrast, the filters on the left side allow for more specific searches.)
Note: Filevine’s search syntax (for example, using “AND” or “+” to include both search terms) is not used in the Documents search. Instead, use the filters in the subsequent section to create a more specific search.
This list includes the following information about each document:
- title
- date the document was last updated
- tags
- project name
Click Clear Search to clear these results and begin a new search. You can order by column, resize or move columns, and change the pagination within the Documents table. Learn more about managing the table.
Search results can be viewed in either expanded or collapsed view. Click Expanded or Collapsed in the top right corner to switch between the two views.
In addition to the information listed above, the expanded view displays breadcrumbs of where the document exists in the project’s folder structure. This view also displays the page number and the places in the document where the search term occurs.
Click a search term in this display to open a new tab previewing the document, with the term searched and highlighted throughout the document. Click any of the folders displayed in the breadcrumbs to go to that folder in the project.
On the left side of the page, you can filter the search results by the following:
- projects
- tags
- folders
- title contains
- doc contains
- uploaded date
- last edited date
- email sent date
- uploaded by
- last edited by
- email from
- email to
For projects, tags, and folder filters, click into the search box and begin typing. Then select your filter from the dropdown options. In the project filter section, you can select multiple filters at once by clicking the checkbox next to the projects in the dropdown.
If one or multiple projects are selected, the folder filter displays only folders (including subfolders) within selected projects. Hover over a folder in the dropdown to show which project the folder belongs to.
For the “Title Contains” and “Doc Contains” filters, enter the term and press Enter. The filters “Title Contains” and “Doc Contains” search only within the title and the body of the document, respectively. These filters use “prefix” matching, meaning that they will only return results with the exact search term or that begin with the search term. For example, filtering by the term “logic” would return instances of the words “logic” and “logical,” but not the word “illogical.”
For date filters (last edited date, and uploaded date, and email sent date), expand the sections and select the beginning and end dates of the desired filtered range.
The “email from” and “email to” filters search the names and email addresses in the “To” or “CC” fields of the email. (If the sender saves the email when they are composing it, then names and email addresses in the BCC field can also be searched.)
Add and Remove a Filter
In an expanded filter, click into the search box and enter the desired filter conditions. Add one or multiple filters. You can remove individual filters by clicking on the “x” next to them.
Stacking Multiple Filters
Multiple filters can be added both within and across the filter categories. Within a single filter, results will include documents that have any of the selected filters; across filters, results include only documents that have both filters.
Manage Filters
Hover on a filter section's icon (for example, the person icon on the Tags filter section) and click and drag the dots to a new position to reorder the filter. Filter sections will remain in the order you place them.
Click the caret next to a filter section to expand the section. Filter sections will remain in whatever state you leave them—expanded or collapsed—even if you navigate away from the Documents page.
When you have selected all filters, click Apply at the bottom of the filter menu to bring up the list of documents.
Saved Searches and Filters
Documents searches and filter parameters are saved in the URL, which means that you can navigate intuitively using the backward and forward browser buttons. It also means that specific searched or filtered views can be sent as a URL to others, or bookmarked in your browser, so that you can come back to the same filter every time.
Bulk Document Actions
Users can select multiple documents from the list to download documents in bulk. Users can view, edit, and order the list of documents selected for this bulk action in a queue panel that opens on the right-hand side of the Documents page.
Select a Document for Queue
The “queue” panel shows a list of all the selected files. The user can take bulk action on all the files in the queue, like downloading.
Add a file to the queue by clicking the checkmark to the left of a document in the list.
When one or multiple files are selected, you will see the download option and a (#) Files in Queue card. Click on the queue card to open the queue panel on the right.
The queue panel shows a list of all selected files, with the download option at the top. Click and drag the dots at the edge of the queue panel to expand or contract the panel.
Order, Add, or Remove Files
Click and drag the dots next to an individual file in the queue list to reorder the list.
You can add a file to the queue by selecting it (with the queue panel either open or closed). The queue persists through multiple searches and filters.
To remove a file from the queue, click the “x” next to the file in the queue panel, or unselect the document in the document list. You can also remove all files from the queue by clicking Clear All, which unselects all files and closes the queue panel.
When one or multiple files are selected, click the download icon and select whether to download in a zipped file or individually.
The download option icon can also be selected in the queue panel.
Preview and Details Panel
Preview the document and view doc details in an expandable flyout. To open this flyout, select the desired document and then click on the info icon in the top right corner of the page. Or, select the document in the queue.
Note: A document must be selected to expand the flyout.
At the top left, the panel indicates whether the file is currently selected for queue. If the icon is a checkmark, the file is selected. If the icon is a plus, the file is unselected. Click the icon to select or unselect the file.
Click the download icon to download the file individually. (To navigate back to the queue, click on the (#) Files in Queue card.)
The preview tab, indicated by the document icon, displays an preview of MS Office, PDFs, and image files. Scroll through the document or use the arrows at the bottom of the preview to flip through the pages. Click on the eye icon in the left top corner of the document display to open up the full previewer in a separate tab.
This preview tab displays files up to 500 pages. To view a file longer than 500 pages, open the full previewer.
The details tab, indicated by the information icon includes the following information about the document:
- location
- size
- uploaded date
- user who uploaded the file
- document tags
- places in the project where the document has been attached, including fields and activity items
If the project is connected with Vinesign, you will also see a place to sign into Vinesign and begin a Vinesign job at the bottom of details.
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