This article discusses the purpose and use of the fields in the invoice as well as how to manage invoices, including creating and editing.
Invoices can be managed at the Org level in the Billing Advanced tool. They can be managed at the project in the project's Billing section. For information on finalizing, sending, and voiding invoices, consult the Finalizing Invoices article.
Individual invoices can be created from three places in Filevine:
in the Unbilled tab of the Billing Advanced tool: users can create individual invoices by clicking on a project name in the list. They can also create invoices in bulk by selecting projects and clicking the Create Invoice button. For more on bulk invoicing, read the Billing Advanced Tool article.
in the Invoices tab of the Billing Advanced tool: users can create invoices by clicking the Create Invoice button and then selecting a project
- in the Summary tab of a project’s Billing section: users with rate-viewing permissions can create an invoice by clicking the green plus next to the Invoices header
If you are bulk invoicing in the Unbilled tool, follow the steps in the flyout or read more about bulk invoicing in the Billing Advanced Tool article. If you are creating a singular invoice, you will see the open invoice modal. Follow the steps below to create the invoice.
- Add a description (optional). In the Invoice modal, you will see the client’s name and an Editing tag in the top left corner. Beneath these, click Add a Description and enter text to add the invoice’s description. The description will save automatically when you click away from the box. Invoice descriptions are included in LEDES files and can be included in PDF templates.
- View and adjust the date and terms. The invoice’s date, terms, due date, date range, and reference number appear in the top right corner. The invoice date, terms, and due date will be entered automatically based on the project’s terms in the Settings tab, but can all be edited here. The date range can be added by filling in the fields or by selecting a range from the calendar button dropdown. (The date range can help provide context to the client, but it also functions as a filter: if you enter a date range, and then select all, items outside of the date range will automatically be excluded.)
Add line items. Un-invoiced billing entries, except for items with Draft status, are listed as line items. Items with Draft status must be edited and saved with the Saved status before they are available for invoicing.
To add entries, select them using the checkbox at the far right. You can also select all time entries, all expenses, or all flat fee items by selecting the checkbox at the top of the section.
- Create. When at least one line item has been checked, the Create button in the bottom right will become clickable. Click this button to create the invoice.
The new invoice will appear in the project’s Invoices section under the Summary tab, as well as in the Invoices tab in the Org Billing section.
Edits to an invoice can be made at any point up until the invoice is approved or finalized. Once an invoice has been approved or finalized, edits cannot be made. (An approved invoice can be returned to “Editing” status in the Invoices tab.) If you have approved or finalized an invoice that needs to be edited or voided completely, read the voiding section in the Finalize Invoices article.
Some fields in the Invoice modal cannot be edited. These include the Project Name, which must remain the same, and the Invoice status. The invoice status will be Editing upon creation of the invoice and will change automatically to reflect the status of that invoice. Invoice statuses are:
- Editing
- Pending Approval
- Approved
- Final
- Void
- Paid
- Partially Paid
To make any edits to an invoice, go to either the Summary tab of the Billing section in a project or the Invoices tab of the Org Billing Advanced tool, and select one of the invoices from the list. This will open the Invoice modal. When editing an invoice, remember to save your changes! If you do not hit the Save button, the changes you made will not be saved.
The invoice’s description can be edited. The description is displayed in the top left corner of the Invoice modal. If the description is too long to show, hover over the description text to view the rest.
Dates and Terms
The invoice date, terms, due date, and date range can all be edited. These items are all displayed in the top right corner on the Invoice modal.
The invoice date is the date of creation for this invoice and fills in automatically with the date that you create the invoice. The creation date and the terms will determine the automatic due date for this invoice. For example, if the invoice is created on July 23, 2022, and the terms are set to 30 days, the invoice due date will be set to August 22, 2022. The date range is optional, and signifies the range of days over which billing entries have been entered.
To edit the invoice date, click on the field, and either select a new date from the dropdown calendar or erase the current date and type in the desired one. Changing the invoice date will change the due date automatically if the due date has not been specified. Hit the Save button when done.
The terms field will be automatically set to the terms chosen for this project in the Settings tab. To edit the terms, open the dropdown and select a new set of terms. The dropdown will contain the default net 30 and any terms that you have added in the Billing Setup Advanced tool. Choose your desired terms from the dropdown. Changing the terms will also change the due date accordingly if the due date has not been specified. Hit the Save button when done.
Although the due date is filled in automatically based on the creation date and terms, it can also be edited on its own. To edit the due date field, click on the field, and either select a new date from the dropdown calendar or erase the current date and type in the desired one. Once the due date field has been edited, it will remain that chosen date, and will not be automatically updated if the creation date or terms are changed.
The date range can be edited by selecting new dates from the dropdown calendar or a different option from the calendar button dropdown. Options in the calendar button dropdown will be calculated from the date the option is chosen. So if “Last 7 Days” is selected from the dropdown, on September 14, 2022, the date range will be September 8, 2022 to September 14, 2022.
Invoice #
The invoice number will be filled in automatically when the invoice is created. The invoice number is generated based on the highest invoice number across the Org. If your highest invoice number is #237, for example, the new invoice number will automatically generate as #238. If you add a custom invoice number—for example, if you want to begin invoice numbers at #10001—then all sequential invoices will increment based on that custom number.
The invoice number is displayed in the top right corner of the Invoice modal. To edit the invoice number, click the invoice number field, enter a new number, and hit the Save button. The new number must be higher than the number automatically generated by Filevine upon creation in order to ensure that all invoice numbers are unique.
Billing Entries
In the Invoice modal, you can see existing entries that have not yet been added to an invoice. Entries included in this invoice will have a checkmark at the far right. To add an existing entry to this invoice, check the box at the far right of that line item. To remove any entry from this invoice, click on the checkmark to uncheck the item. Hit the Save button when you’ve added all entries you would like on the invoice.
Un-invoiced entries can also be edited within an invoice. To edit an entry, click on the entry in the invoice to open the editing modal. In this modal, make any necessary edits and hit save.
Entries can also be added directly to an invoice. To do this, hit the plus button next to the respective entry category. In the opened modal, fill the fields for the entry. For more information on how to do this, read the Billing Entries section of the Project-Level Billing article. Once you save the entry, the item will be automatically added as a line item on the invoice, with the checkmark on the far right.
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