To view your account settings click on your profile picture in the top right corner of Filevine, and click Manage My Account. (If you do not see this option, read Profile and Account Settings instead.)
If you are not an Account Admin user, you can view the Profile and Security sections of the Account Manager tool. If you need the name, password, or MFA changed for your user, you may need to contact an Account Admin, depending on whether you are logging in using a password or using SSO.
Note: If you see additional settings, you are an Account Admin and have full access to the tool. Read Account Manager Tool for more information.
If the Profile section, you can view the first and last name associated with your Filevine account.
You can choose from three different themes in Filevine: light, classic, and dark. Select the theme you’d like. You can change your theme at any time.
On the security page, you can view the change password option and MFA. Depending on your login type, you may need to contact your Account Admin if you need to adjust the settings.
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