The Settlement Calculator in the Yield section uses FVDA to provide greater functionality and more customization.
Formerly, the built-in Yield section in Filevine only pulled from two collection sections: Medical Bills and Expenses, and it was limited in the data that it could pull from each collection item. This section exports a Word document with the information pulled in, which could then be edited and customized in Word.
The tab in the Yield section uses FVDA to allow users to pull information from any collections sections, as well as all supported field types from across your Filevine project. In this tab, users can edit and comment on a live .vine document, based on a customized template. The template can be customized in Outlaw.
Customized Settlements Tab
To view the Customized Settlement Calculator, navigate to the Yield section in your project. (This section can also sometimes be called “Settlement Calculator” or “Settlement Worksheet.”)
The existing Yield section appears in the first tab. Click the second tab, Customized Settlements, to view the Customized Settlements calculator.
This tab houses an Outlaw widget where you can generate a .vine document.
How to Use
In this Customized Settlements tab, you can generate a .vine document from the template. Each document can be treated as a scenario, where you can import project information such as Medical expenses or Liens, then adjust the amounts in the model. The scenario documents can then be downloaded as either a .docx file or a PDF.
Generate a Document
Select the “Settlement calculator” template from the dropdown. Rename the document if desired, and click Generate to generate the .vine document.
Once it is generated, the document is listed under the widget, and the document opens in the slideout, where you can input and test out information.
Plug Information into the Document
Click on a generated .vine document to open the slideout. In the slideout, you can add settlement information, select collection items to be included, and view projected total disbursement and settlement summaries.
The default template includes:
a settlements table: Here, you can add settlements. Input a date, description, amount, and attorney fee percentage. The fee settlement is calculated from this information.
tables for three collections sections: Liens, Medical, and Expenses sections are included by default. To select existing collection items, click Select [Collection Section Name] in blue. In the popup, select the existing items you would like to include, and click Update.
a summary of the settlement: The summary is generated based on connected and calculated variables, including awards, fees, totals from the collections sections, reductions, and the total projected disbursement.
Add Comments or Formatting
Once the document has been generated and filled out, comments can be added within the Filevine section to discuss the document terms. To add a comment, click on a segment of the document and click the chat bubble icon. Enter your comment and click Comment.
Your comment appears on the document as a chat bubble icon. Other users can click to view and respond to the comment.
You can also finish formatting the document in Microsoft Word, if desired. To do so, download the document as a DOCX file. Open the document and click document icon. In the dropdown, select Download DOCX. You can then open the document in Word.
Send Final Versions
If you have finalized the settlement, and would like to send the document, you can do so by either downloading the document, or sharing the document directly from Filevine through Outlaw.
To download the document as either a DOCX file or a PDF, open the document and click on the document icon. Select the desired file type.
To share the document from Filevine, open the document in Filevine and click the people icon. Select a user to share with or add a user. You have the option of sending the document by email or with a link.
Customize the Template
If you would like, you can customize the template further to suit your needs, or even create multiple settlement calculation templates for different needs. For example, you may want to include your company logo or letterhead, have a summary only at the top of the document, change the acceptance language, or add another collection section.
Change the Template Logo
For example, a common template customization is changing the logo image at the top of the template to your own logo. Follow the instructions below to customize the template logo.
In Outlaw, click Templates and find the template you are using for the settlement calculator. Click the ellipsis and select Edit Template.
Select the [#firmlogo] section at the top left to edit it. In the dropdown, click “x” next to the default logo image. Then, click Upload Image to upload an image file from your device. (Files must be PNG/JPG and below 1MB.)
Your image will appear in the dropdown. Click Update.
Any document generated in the Filevine project will now contain your team logo.
Other Customizations
Below is a list of the variable and syncing features relevant to the Settlement Calculator template. For more general information about connected variables, creating and customizing templates, and permission and access, consult the FVDA table, or view the FVDA section of Outlaw’s Help Center directly.
Feature | Description |
Connected Variable Syntax | Connected variables give you the ability to pull in fields directly from your Filevine sections into live documents. Use the “[“ syntax option to pull existing variables, or use “[+” to create a new variable. |
Calculated Variables | Calculated variables can be used to perform basic math functions between individual connected (Filevine) and non-connected variables. |
Calculated Columns | Calculated columns are used to perform basic math functions between numerical values within the document or within the table itself. |
Referencing Table Totals | Totals from table columns can be referenced as read-only properties of the table, allowing them to be used as variables throughout the document. |
Table Syncing | Like connected variables, tables in FVDA now support bi-directional data transfer, allowing data to be pushed to Filevine whenever it has been changed in the .vine document. |
Sum Columns | Columns can be summed, and the sum of the column can be added as a row in the table to be referenced. |
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